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Рекомендуемый ниже список источников – это «не догма, а руководство к действию»! Чтобы стать победителем в нашем конкурсе, нужно в первую очередь обладать эрудицией и пытливым умом. А умение «работать с литературой» приведет к успеху и зеленого школяра, и маститого ученого.
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Food Timeline Ever wondered how the ancient Romans fed their armies? Who invented the potato chip…and why? The site presents a fascinating buffet of popular lore and trivia.
Famous chefs in history The site takes you through a brief history of celebrity chefs (you know, like, back from when they actually cooked), to give you a better sense of how our culinary landscape has changed!
History and Legends of Favorite Foods Would you like to know how and when the world’s most famous foods appeared? Click this link!
Dining with Oscar Wilde — Many sources affirm that Oscar Wilde — poet, playwright, and famed English wit — was also an expert in food and wine. Accustomed to dining in the most fashionable restaurants, Wilde is appreciated for his memorable aphorisms.
Foodscapes — and it is not a misprint! Enjoy amazing food art (don’t forget to click the right arrow to see more photos)! The «foodscapes» (made up of the words Food and Landscapes) show scenes including forests, beaches, mountains, etc. using fruits, cheeses, pastas, breads…
World’s most expensive foodsLet’s have a look at the most expensive foods in the world, most expensive drinks, desserts or spices.
World’s strangest restaurants How would you like to dine tonight? Here are some options: under the sea, 150 feet in the air, in the darkness, with robots? Make your choice!
World’s best food quotes — Foodies Unite! Words of wisdom plus a dash of humor!
Fun Facts About the Food We Eat — Trivial and not-so-trivial information about food for educators and students.
Meat Art Gallery — For cranky meat lovers. That’s an exhibition you ought to visit!
Great Talks on Food — Twenty various fantastically interesting lectures about food!
Street Food Culture — If you love traveling and eating street food, you will enjoy this fascinating picture gallery.
Incredible food installations — Watch this to get amused and inspired!