September 2014
1 September 2014
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Валерия Коних, Анна Перепелицына
My young recourceful colleague Alexandra Akchurina
presents a mind-boggling article FRIENDS TO SUCCESS.
5 September 2014
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян
Getting acquainted, discussing our co-operation pricilples:
- mutual respect (don’t be silent but don’t hush others down)
- good attendance,
- stay tuned,always keep notes,
- work in class and at home, it’s a continual prosess
- learn a language and learn to learn a language
- meet deadlines, go digital @
- welcome to advanced learning technologies: our group’s wiki, personal wikies, voxopop, etc
- students as teachers (collaboration in educational projects)
Allow a moment to look through TEAMWORK PRINCIPLES and see if you are doing fine!
Introuducing our virtual classroom:
- check the on-line class of the previous year
- learn about site navigation
- explore task types
- look at students’ YOUTUBE project
ATTENTION! The initial pages of your textbook are attached to this page — see below
1) Study the vocabulary from 6.1 В and C. Be ready to use these words in your travel stories in class
3) Reading. 6.2 A,B,C- Follow the instructions in the book.
8 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
DISCUSSION: virtual classroom — how is it going so far?
logo competition (masterclass of wiki editing due on Friday)
VOCABULARY — blackboard game based on ex 6C
ex 6 B as a sample of the leaflet describing your fav spot on this planet that you are going to compile at home by Friday
GRAMMAR — 6.3 The ways to talk about the Future
TALKING POINT — YOUR DIALOGUESabout the future plans.
Home assignment:
1) Write your own description of your favourite place in the world taking ex. 6.1.B as an example.
2) Watch the following episodes from a famours BBC documentary series «An Idiot Abroad».
Be ready to discuss the culture shock that Karl encountered in Russia.
What are the reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals? Give your reasons
Russian Taxi
On the train
Best bits of Karl’s journey in Russia (don’t miss!)
12 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
LEARINING TO LEARN: In-class tutorial on editing and updating our wiki’s pages. Room 505 13.00
logo competition results
Back to room 310
DISCUSSION: The words of wisdom on travel — what idea did the autor try to convey?
GRAMMAR — Future tesnses check — dialogue practice.
EXAM PRACTICE — Homonyms Textbook page 67
Handing in the leaflets on your favorite place in the world.

What do you know about the famours BBC documentary series «An Idiot Abroad»?
Why are such programmes so popular with the public? Which TV series of this kind do you know? What do you like/dislike about them?
Let’s discuss the culture shock that Karl encountered in Russia.
What are the reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals? Give your reasons
Home assignment:
1) Work in small groups — Write a project of a new travel programme for Russian TV. Justify your plan, outline all the pros of the concept, think what kind of hosts you’d choose and why. What destionations are on your top-list?
2) textbook 6.9 part A and B
15 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
TEAVEL QUOTES QUIZ result — And the winner is…. Anna Perepelitsyna and Alexandra Bednenko (14/18).
Damien Ogorodov and Dmitry Lyukmanov (13/18)
Alexandra Gordonova and Olesya Goldina (12/18)
Maria Gorshenina, Anna Manchenkova and Dmitry Efimov (11/18)
More travel quotes for you to know:
DISCUSSION — a brief course of e-mail etiquette
- Download (60 KB)
PRESENTATION: Team work. Allow a moment to look through TEAMWORK PRINCIPLES and see if you are doing fine!
Your projects of a new travel programme for Russian TV. Justify your plan, outline all the pros of the concept, think what kind of hosts you’d choose and why. What destinations are on your top-list?
LISTENING and making notes — How to travel on the cheap
Print out the following files OR keep them in your tablets. ))) Solve all the vocabulary exercises. I mean it!
Make good use of TRAVEL IDIOMS in your presentations on TRAVEL PROGRAMME PROJECT.
Download (183 KB)
Download (167 KB)
Download (156 KB)
22 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына
No Show Дмитрий Люкманов, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
VOCABULARY WORK checking home assignment on Accommodation types and Travel Idioms
WRITING — booking accommodation on-line/ contacting your travel agent or friend on finding a good deal. Send to mail
A room with a view — Fawlty Towers — BBC
ORAL PRESENTATION — presenting your TV TRAVEL projects. Our «vocab-nazis» will count the new idioms used in each presentation.
1) READING and PRESENTATION Look through online libraries and find a short story of a world-known author — devoted to travelling. Upload the link to our virtual classroom USEFUL LINKS page with a short reference. Be ready to retell this story in class.
2) REVISE your vocabulary notes for a written quiz.
26 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов
No Show: Андрей Шур
VOCABULARY QUIZ. Are you srteetwise with travel idioms? Press HERE to download the Quiz.
ORAL PRESENTATION — presenting your TV TRAVEL projects. Our «vocab-nazis» will count the new idioms used in each presentation.
READING and PRESENTATION — Retelling travel short(???) stories of world-known authors.
Watch the film «Around the world in 80 days.1989» — available on Youtube. Be ready to discuss the journey of Phileas Fogg and his resourceful valet, Passepartout.
Those who failed to get ready with the previous home assignment, please check our NEWSBOARD page.
29 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world! (Final class)
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Андрей Щур
VOCABULARY QUIZ RESULTS. Are you srteetwise with travel idioms? Press HERE to download the Quiz.
READING and PRESENTATION — Retelling travel stories of world-known authors.
DISCUSSION Around The World in 80 Days.1989
Those who failed to get ready with the previous home assignment, please check our NEWSBOARD page.
Unit 16. Look after yourself.
16.1 A B — be ready to read, translate and discuss the text
16 C D vocabualry work (consult the dictionary)
November 2014
7 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова, Андрей Щур
QUIZ Education vocabulary
Download (104 KB)
Download (118 KB)
READING Textbook 9.3
WRITING a summary
DISCUSSION Education reform
Textbook Unit 9.2 B — Writing an application. You don’t necessarily have to apply for Sakura Scholarship. Think of any course or school and write your application according to the following sample (no more than 350 words). To make sure you haven’t downloaded a similar paper from the Internet please give it a PERSONAL TOUCH!
10 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve

Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова
TEAM A. An overview of the UK school system (based on the education vocabulary quiz)
TEAM B. An overview of the US educational issues (based on the newspaper article «What Colleges will teach in 2025?»
TEAM C. An overview of Australian education system (based on the selection of articles below)
TEAM D. An overview of Russian educational issues (based on your group’s joint project EDUCATION IN RUSSIA)
TEAM E. A popular view on Russian schools (based on a popular blogger’s post)
14 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve. TO CHEAT OR NOT TO CHEAT

Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова
Dear students, please check your personal mailboxes to find your Halloween spooky stories with my notes. You can also find some words of praise in STUDENTS’ PAPERSpage. JL
«Is Internet Cheating Really Cute?» (integrity in education). Download the files below:
Download (114 KB)
Home assignment
Learn the vocabulry from the study pack on CHEATING AND INTEGRITY
Render the newspaper article «В последнее время использование…» into English — in writing
Translate the final text of the study pack into Russian — in writing.
Read the selection of articles on the subject. Be ready to sum up the contents of each article. Pick up the key vocabulary.
Download (158 KB)
17 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve. TO CHEAT OR NOT TO CHEAT
READING Best Halloween spooky stories
TRANSLATION See your home assignment
MAKING A SUMMARY See the articles on cheating you were to read at home.
Watch the video and write a 300-word RESPONSE ESSAY *.
RESPONSE PAPERS are usually requested by teachers so that you’ll consider carefully what you think or feel about something you’ve read/watched. The following guidelines are intended to be used for reacting to a reading although they could easily be used for reactions to films too. A good response is persuasive; therefore, it should cite facts, examples, and personal experience that either refutes or supports the material you’re responding to, depending on your stance. The following questions might help you to structure your paper:
- How do you feel about what you are reading?
- What do you agree or disagree with?
- Can you identify with the situation?
- What would be the best way to evaluate the story?
Unlike a summary, a response is a subjective opinion about the piece and, as such, can include opinions and personal experiences as long as they are supported. The key to writing a good response is to always be specific and support all points made.
Критерии оценивания эссе
Высший балл «20» ставится, если соблюдены ВСЕ нижеследующие условия.
В зависимости от степени соблюдения условия, вы можете выставить оценку от 1 до 3 баллов
- 1 БАЛЛ Решение коммуникативной задачи – предлагаемый текст представляет из себя Response Essay, а не работу иной стилистики.
- 1 БАЛЛ стиль изложения соответствует ситуации и учитывает получателя сообщения, в данном случае – нейтральный (отсутствуют как чересчур разговорные, так и слишком официальные, «канцелярские» выражения);
- 2 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал способность изложить свои мысли последовательно, выстраивая логическую цепочку рассуждений;
- 3 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал богатый лексический запас (Владеет тематически релевантной лексикой, позволяющей полностью раскрыть тему и точно передать мысль, не прибегает к повторам, Владеет синонимическими рядами, умеет использовать слова в нужном контексте).
- 3 БАЛЛАВ эссе умело используются идиомы и фразовые глаголы, причем балл снижается и за их отсутствие, и за их чрезмерное присутствие или неуместное употребление.
- 3 БАЛЛА текст эссе содержит правильные и разнообразные грамматические конструкции (Правильно употребляет глаголы (залог, грамматическое время и наклонение), неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие), существительные (число, падеж, номинализация), прилагательные, наречия, местоимения),
- 2 БАЛЛА автор использует сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения (правильно строит и простые и сложные предложения, владеет репертуаром союзов и союзных слов, уместно использует средства выделения (инверсия, расщепление предложения и т.д.).
- 2 БАЛЛА в тексте эссе нет орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок, соблюдены среди прочего простые правила синтаксиса, предложения начинаются с большой буквы и завершаются точкой, и даже Дима Люкманов дописывает каждое слово до конца.
- 3 БАЛЛА автор проявил оригинальность мысли и творческий подход к ответу на вопрос.
21 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve
Education vocabulary quiz key:
*I took into account the fact that some optional answers were possible and accepted those too, but not in case when it had been previously discussed in class. JL
Education vocabulary quiz results:
Гордонова Александра 27/31
Семейство Огородовых
Бедненко Александра 26.31
Горшенина Мария 26/31
Гольдина Олеся 26/31
Arianna Scroccaro 25/31
Анна Перепелицына 23/31
Martina Bergamaschi 23/31
Анна Манченкова 22/31
Дмитрий Ефимов 0/31
Dear students,
These days you should be busy writing your RESPONSE ESSAYS (see HOME ASSIGNMENT from the 17th of November)
Please bear in mind that each paper (uploaded on the STUDENTS’ PAPERS page) is to be assessed by each member of the group according to the criteria given below!
Критерии оценивания эссе
Высший балл «20» ставится, если соблюдены ВСЕ нижеследующие условия.
В зависимости от степени соблюдения условия, вы можете выставить оценку от 1 до 3 баллов
- 1 БАЛЛ Решение коммуникативной задачи – предлагаемый текст представляет из себя Response Essay, а не работу иной стилистики.
- 1 БАЛЛ стиль изложения соответствует ситуации и учитывает получателя сообщения, в данном случае – нейтральный (отсутствуют как чересчур разговорные, так и слишком официальные, «канцелярские» выражения);
- 2 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал способность изложить свои мысли последовательно, выстраивая логическую цепочку рассуждений;
- 3 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал богатый лексический запас (Владеет тематически релевантной лексикой, позволяющей полностью раскрыть тему и точно передать мысль, не прибегает к повторам, Владеет синонимическими рядами, умеет использовать слова в нужном контексте).
- 3 БАЛЛАВ эссе умело используются идиомы и фразовые глаголы, причем балл снижается и за их отсутствие, и за их чрезмерное присутствие или неуместное употребление.
- 3 БАЛЛА текст эссе содержит правильные и разнообразные грамматические конструкции (Правильно употребляет глаголы (залог, грамматическое время и наклонение), неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие), существительные (число, падеж, номинализация), прилагательные, наречия, местоимения),
- 2 БАЛЛА автор использует сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения (правильно строит и простые и сложные предложения, владеет репертуаром союзов и союзных слов, уместно использует средства выделения (инверсия, расщепление предложения и т.д.).
- 2 БАЛЛА в тексте эссе нет орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок, соблюдены среди прочего простые правила синтаксиса, предложения начинаются с большой буквы и завершаются точкой, и даже Дима Люкманов дописывает каждое слово до конца.
- 3 БАЛЛА автор проявил оригинальность мысли и творческий подход к ответу на вопрос.

Dear students,
By Monday, the 24th of November your Response essays should be ready. That gives you 3 days for mutual assessment.
Please score each paper according to the criteria and send it to Ann Manchenkova.
Ann, please put the scores into the table and calculate the total score.
А.М. | О.Г. | А. Ш. | Д. Л. | А. Б. | М.Г. | А. Г. | А.П. | Д.Е. | Д.О. | Ю.О. | A.S. | M.B. | Total | |
Анна Манченкова | þ | 19 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 20 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 15 | 222 |
Олеся Гольдина | 20 | þ | 19 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 17 | 19 | 19 | 17 | ? | 190 |
Андрей Шур | 17 | 19 | þ | 18 | 20 | 17 | 19 | 17 | 18 | 107 | ||||
Дмитрий Люкманов | 16 | 16 | 17 | þ | 16 | 19 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 17 | 16 | 13 | 197 |
Александра Бедненко | 18 | 19 | 20 | 19 | þ | 18 | 18 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 18 | 13,5 | 13 | 191.5 |
Мария Горшенина | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 18 | þ | 20 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 207 |
Александра Гордонова | 19 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 20 | þ | 19 | 19 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 14 | 198 |
Анна Перепелицына | 19 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 18 | þ | 16 | 18 | 18 | 16 | 12 | 190 |
Дмитрий Ефимов | 18 | 20 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 19 | þ | 18 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 205 |
Демьян Огородов | 18 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 17 | þ | 19 | 16 | 16 | 202 |
Юлия Огородова | 19 | 16 | 19 | 17 | 16 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 19 | þ | 12 | 12 | 184 |
Arianna Scroccaro | 20 | 19 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 19 | 18 | 16 | þ | 17 | 204 |
Martina Bergamaschi | 19 | 19 | 20 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 18 | 18 | þ | 205 |
28 November 2014
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING
![]() |
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Анна Манченкова,
In class:
READING AND DISCUSSION: On Christmas shopping (extract from Bridget Jones Diary)
Textbook Unit 7 (Vocabulary)
Home Assignment
Watch the clips on shopping. Be ready to answer the questions.
1) What seemed to be Vivian’s problem while she went shopping?
2) Explain why Vivian’s second shopping session was much more successful.
3 ) Why is the customer clearly dissatisfied with such ‘excellent’ service? Have you had a similar experience in shops?
4) Why did the person at the cash register dislike Michelle Pfeiffer’s heroine? What was her vendetta? Have you ever felt the same in shops?
5) Do you know what shoplifting is? Have you ever had an experience of the kind? In your opinion, why do shoplifters steal things? What measures should be taken to prevent this?
6) Render the content of the two scenes in the shops into English (up to the minute 3.29). Be ready to retell the episodes in class. Make sure to mention the relevant details making these episodes so funny.
7) What sort of people do you see at the meeting? Why do they get together? Why does Rebecca’s monologue spoil the whole game? Where does she keep her credit card? Why? What other ways to look after your money do you know?
December 2015
1 December 2014
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING

In class:
DISCUSSING the videos:
1) (Pretty Woman) What seemed to be Vivian’s problem while she went shopping?
Render the dialogue into English:
— Я могу Вам помочь?
— Я просто осматриваюсь.
— Ищете что-то конкретное?
— Да, что-нибудь скромное/ консервативное. У Вас красивые вещи! Вот это сколько стоит?
— Думаю, это Вам не подойдет.
— Я не спросила, подойдет ли мне это, я спросила, сколько стоит.
2) (Pretty Woman) Explain why Vivian’s second shopping session was much more successful. Comment on the statement «The stores are not nice to people. they are nice to credit cards».
3 ) (Mr.Bean) Why is the customer clearly dissatisfied with such ‘excellent’ service? Have you had a similar experience in shops?
Render the dialogue into English:
— Вы бы хотели подарочную упаковку?
— Пожалуй, а нельзя ли поскорее?
— Конечно, сэр, будет готово мгновенно!
4) ( The Family) Why did the person at the cash register dislike Michelle Pfeiffer’s heroine? What caused that kind of intercultural conflict? What was her vendetta? Have you ever felt the same in shops?
Как сказать по-английски «Сдачи не надо!»
5) (Bad Grandpa) Do you know what shoplifting is? Have you ever had an experience of the kind? In your opinion, why do shoplifters steal things? What measures should be taken to prevent this?
6) (Bluff) Render the content of the two scenes in the shops into English (up to the minute 3.29). Be ready to retell the episodes in class. Make sure to mention the relevant details making these episodes so funny.
7) (Shopaholic) What sort of people do you see at the meeting? Why do they get together? Why does Rebecca’s monologue spoil the whole game? Where does she keep her credit card? Why? What other ways to look after your money do you know?
Say it in English:
In just 5 minutes make up a short funny dialogue making use of at least 10 words or words combinations from the list above.
Read the article below:
Study shows money makes us worry
A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money isn’t easy. Over 109,000 people took part in the BBC’s Big Money Test. It was one of the biggest ever studies
on money psychology. One of the biggest findings is that money makes many people feel bad. Researchers say over 40 per cent of us always worry about spending money; a third of us constantly worry about money; and the same percentage feel guilty when spending money on themselves. The study found that women like to go shopping to make themselves feel better about life, while men are more likely to save their cash. Women are more generous with their money and are also more likely to suffer from money problems.
The researchers also looked at ways shops try and make us spend our money. It showed how stores are continually looking at new ways to make us buy things on impulse. It asks why candies and chocolate are always by the checkout in supermarkets; why «everyday essentials like bread and milk are at the back of the shop so you have to walk through as many aisles as possible to reach them;» and why the perfume and jewellery sections are always at the front of a department store. The test says that buying things on impulse can be bad for our finances: «People who bought goods impulsively were three times more likely to go bankrupt, and four times more likely to run out of money by the end of the week.»
Source: /
True / False
a) Almost 110,000 took part in a BBC study on money. T/F
b) The BBC research was the biggest ever on the psychology of money. T / F
c) The research says 40% of us worry about money all the time. T / F
d) The researchers said men are more generous than women with money. T / F
e) The article says we look for new ways to buy things on impulse. T / F
f) The research questions why milk is always at the back of the store. T / F
g) The study found impulse buying is not so good on our wallets. T / F
h) Impulse buyers are 3 times bankrupt. T / F
Discussion (be ready to justify your answers providing the examples from your own experience)
- How do shops make us buy things?
- Do you always believe adverts that tell us why we need something?
- What things have you bought on impulse? Were you happy after?
- Have you ever bought something and felt guilty?
- Do you need everything you buy?
- How does shopping make you feel?
Watch the advert of Wstfield Shopping Mall. Create an advertisement of ANY shopping facility selling ANY merchandise. Make sure you have done everything possible to attract the customers. (writing task, about 200 words, to be uploaded on students’s papers page)
5 December 2014
8 December 2014
In debt: Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Огородовы Демьян и Юлия, Дмитрий Ефимов (survey samples)
A) VOCABULARY MONEY ( See home assignment)
B) LIFE SKILLS Checking up your survey monkey experience. Be ready to describe the options this tool offers a clever user. When and where might you use this tool in the future?
B) CREATING AN INTELLECTUAL QUIZ ONLINE — general principles and useful tips.
What are the most important aspects of a quiz that engages and entertains an audience? Here are some important things to remember if you want to to write really great questions and realistic response options:
- Your quiz should help the taker to broaden their horizons.
- Research your subject carefully! In general, the more information you know about your subject, the better.
- Your phrasing should be as clear as daylight. Avoid ambiguity! Don’t mislead your audience by unintelligible tasks. Make sure your questions are clear, relevant, and easy to understand.
- Determine the format of the questions themselves — will they be true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or a combination?
- The quizmaster must be smart enough to think of a thought-provoking task which can be solved through mental research and not the web-search.
- Yet an online quiz would be useless if a taker could easily google the answers using the key words.
- Avoid trick responses (this includes multiple correct responses, ambiguous answers, and overly abstract responses).
- Double-check all questions and response options for grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting and contradictions.
- People want results and they want them now, not ten minutes from now after answering your fifty question quiz. The sweet spot for most quizzes is 15-20 questions. You want your quiz to be lengthy enough to meet your goal, but not so long that readers lose interest.
- Write the Key or Explanation. The key is the most important part because this is where you actually convey information. If the quiz is designed to educate readers about a particular topic, your key should give not only the right answer but explain why it’s correct.
- To test your quiz before turning it in, ask a friend or family member to give it a test run. Is it fun to take? Do the questions make sense? Is it challenging but not overly difficult? Did he or she learn something by taking it? If the answer to these questions is yes, you’re ready to submit your quiz — and get to work on your next quiz-worthy topic.
Great quiz by Ann Perepelitsyna:
If you are a fan of «Gone with the wind» click here (a quiz by Olesya Goldina)
A) Knowledge-testing tasks:
Food Idioms: Sorry, but Russian food, so rich and fattening, is not my _drop of milkcup of tealoaf of breadglass of beer
Food Idioms: Take everything you read on the Internet with a _
cup of tea
slice of lemon
lump of sugar
pinch of salt
Famous food quotes: When the wife of King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette was told that the people of France were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, the Queen is said to have replied:“Let them go on a diet!”
“Let them catch frogs and eat them!”
“Let them eat cake!”
B) Research-based tasks:
Did you know? A famous French chef once gave his own name to this “culinary masterpiece” which still bears the same name in the country where he then was a guest restaurateur. It appeared as a treat for wealthy gourmets but with time it has become immensely popular with ordinary people. These days the ingredients are very cheap and easy to obtain in any local food store. Curiously, this dish being very popular in many other countries goes there under an altogether different «title» linked to the name of the country where it was first cooked. What is this dish called, say in Great Britain? (The answer should contain TWO words!) _
They are believed to originate from Australia. In the 1970s, they were regarded as distasteful. These days, they can be seen at TV-shows and at fashionable parties. They are loved by both men and women. Surfers are especially attracted to them. Though they are very popular, their name is derived from the word ‘ugly’. What are they?
This magnificent old veteran of America’s struggle for freedom is said to have announced the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence. His voice failed him many times, but American patriots refused to heal him. They said that his “wounds” would serve to remind Americans that their ancestors had won liberty for their country and its people with strain and stress. _
“A Stocking Made of Leather”, “The Eye of a Predatory Bird”, “The Animal Killer” — these look like translations by someone who is unacquainted with American literature and has used an electronic interpreter. What is the name of the author who introduced the fictional character known by the nicknames corrupted by the poor translation.
Since early childhood the Queen, unlike other members of the Royal family, has never changed her haircut. Why?
1) Collect the trivia for your FINAL QUIZ — Remember, the deadline is the 15th of December!
2) Listen to the dialogue and make notes that will help you to answer your teacher’s questions in class.
Download (52 KB)
12 December 2014
DEAR STUDENTS, YOUR QUIZZES should be ready by Monday, the 15th of December. Send me the links* BEFORE, so that I could have a quick look first and recommend you some alterations and improvements if they are needed. Remember that the project is your final work this year. Your exam grade depends on it.
*You might need to send me three sets of questions each as the survey monkey does not allow you to make a quiz longer than 10 questions, and we have agreed on about 25 questions.
Yours, JL
In debt: Дмитрий Люкманов, Дмитрий Ефимов (survey samples missing)
A) JUST LISTENING AND SPEAKING. Answer the questions based on the dialogue:

B) DISCUSSION.** The Man Who Lived Without Money
- What’s Mark’s background?
- When did the change in his life path come? What urgent issues was he discussing with his friend?
- What is Mark’s view of the consumer and the consumed?
- When Mark decided to give up money what list of basics did he make?
- Describe his life under the new circumstances.
- What does he say about consumerism?
- What gains did he have during his year without money?
- Do you think the man is just mad? Why? / Why not?
15 December 2014
Anna Manchenkova and Anna Perepelitsyna 20/20
Dmitry lyukmanov Olesya Goldina 20/20
Martina Bergamaschi 16/20
The Ogorodovs 18/20
Maria Gorshenina, Aleksandra Bednenko 17/20
Alexandra Gordonova 17/20
Arianna Scroccaro 19/20
Andrey Shoor 18/20
Dear students! I am so very grateful to you for the great job you are doing! I feel I have become twice as knowledgeable and intelligent as I was before working on this QUIZ TASK with you!
Your progress with the final project:
The ANSWER SHEETS are supposed to be the comprehensive answers to ALL your questions with brief explanations. In case of multiple choice questions you need to justify the choice. In case of an open answer please give a brief sample answer. It is highly desirable to give the sources. All this should be formatted in a word document with a single font / font size and correct numeration corresponding to your sets of questions.
Yours, JL
Arianna Scroccaro 100% оценка отлично
Anna Perepelitsyna 100% оценка отлично
Olesya Goldina 100% оценка отлично
Julia Ogorodova 100% оценка отлично
Alexandra Gordonova 100% оценка отлично
Maria Gorshenina 100% оценка отлично
Damian Ogorodov 100% оценка отлично
Martina Bergamaschi 100% оценка отлично
Anna Manchenkova — 100% оценка отлично
Aleksandra Bednenko — 100% оценка отлично
Dmitry Lyukmanov — работа не завершена
Dmity Efimov — 100% оценка отлично
Andrey Shour — работа не завершена
One of our students has just been caught red-handed CHEATING and PLAGIARIZING. In fact this person has just copied a number of quiz questions from a well-known trivia quiz site. I find such an approach absolutely unacceptable and this person is very likely to be punished. As a result, I will have to ask our department secretary to check ALL your projects for plagiarism, though I am sure you don’t want to cheat. Please avoid this slippery road!
Your Tutor
February 2016
10 February 2016

Dear students, welcome back to our course!
During our class I am planning to discuss BOTH the great results which you all have managed to achieve making your projects AND the difficult path to success that each of you had to go along. Seeing that you still have a lot of difficulties organizing your speech in orderly logical segments, I am planning to try to deal with your major problems again. As a result, during our class each of you is going to produce a short WRITTEN piece, following the rules.First we will do some TROUBLESHOOTING and then talk about CREATIVITY
Write 5 sentences describing the difficulties which you experienced while making your Exam Project, using the cause-effect phrases given above.
Key expressions:
- to face/experience challenges
- mind-blowing facts
- to see how things evolve
- the inspirations comes from…
- passion for sth.
- to discover an amazing hidden world
- to find solutions to problems
- to have a meaningful outcome
- to be exciting
- it’s about=it means
- to push the world forward
- for the benefit of humankind
Key expressions:
- creative process
- sth is larger than yourself = too difficult
- to craft beauty
- to transcribe observations
- to read the reality differently
- to see something that others cannot
- to share it back
- there’s poetry in every moment
Now, let’s talk about creativity. Make use of the following words:
Nouns | Adjectives | Verbs |
Imagination Creativity Inspiration Innovation Creation Skill Ability |
Fresh (ideas) Creative (ideas) Innovative (ways) Imaginative (ways) |
Create Solve Imagine Daydream Invent Experiment Practice |
Consider the following:
- What does the word ‘creativity’ mean to you? Give your own definition
- Who are some of history’s most creative people?
- Do you know any creative people? In which ways are they creative?
- Is creativity something people are born with?
- Did you have a good imagination when you were a child? What creative activities did you do as a child?
- What conditions does a person need in order to be creative?
- Does the education system in your country encourage creativity? How?
- Do you think it is good for people to daydream?
- Can you think of a device that would make people’s life easier? Do you like the idea of Snoozatron?
- Why is creativity important?
- Are you good at thinking outside the box?
- Are you a creative person? What is the most creative thing you have ever done?
- How can creativity be fostered?
Learn the key vocabulary
Broaden your horizons and learn more about CREATIVITY!
Watch the clip about Snoozatron and be ready to give your attitude
11 February 2016

- What does the word ‘creativity’ mean to you? Give your own definition
- Who are some of history’s most creative people?
- Do you know any creative people? In which ways are they creative?
- Is creativity something people are born with?
- Did you have a good imagination when you were a child? What creative activities did you do as a child?
- What conditions does a person need in order to be creative?
- Does the education system in your country encourage creativity? How?
- Do you think it is good for people to daydream?
- Can you think of a device that would make people’s life easier? Do you like the idea of Snoozatron?
- Why is creativity important?
- Are you good at thinking outside the box?
- Are you a creative person? What is the most creative thing you have ever done?
- How can creativity be fostered?

Use the correct cause and effectconnector to fill in the blank.
Translate these sentences into Russian.
stem from, is caused by , can be traced back to, , has its roots in ,
is a direct consequence of, can lead to, may result in
- The first attempts of humans to express themselves in a creative way can be ……………………….. to the cavemen times.
- These days we are all a part of a global network, and as a …………………. we possess the same information, which could ……………. to the lack of diversity of ideas.
- We should “go out of the box” because staying “in the box” can ……………. in stagnation of mind.
- Some people’s inability to try something new ……………. from the lack of self-confidence.
- Our initial uncertainty about innovations is ………………. by the fact that they may bring instability and are generally unpredictable.
- Creativity is not so much about the quantity of what you know. Creativity is a direct ………………….. of taking a piece of knowledge you possess and remixing that piece with something new to create a different outcome
DISCUSSION: Body Language
1) Write an answer to the question:
- How can creativity be fostered? in an non-NSE format! Just your thoughts. Try to edit yourself and make no mistakes. REQUIREMENTS: Size — about 150 words, good use of active vocabulary — see the class of 11 February. Type it and send to your tutor via e-mail.
2) Read the text Surviving Valentine’s Day when you are single and write your opinion in the DISCUSSION below.
3) Your textbook, page 44, ex 4.1.B — vocabulary work, use the dictionary!page 53 all 4.9 — make — do
14 February 2016

For many, St. Valentine’s Day is the climax of the romantic year. It is a time for loved ones to exchange all manner of gifts, including chocolates, flowers, cuddly toys and cards loaded with mots d’amour. It is the day of the year when you feel wanted. A pink sugar-coated happy day that brightens up the dullest part of winter… However, for many boys and girls, men and women, bachelors and spinsters, it can be the most cruel date on the calendar. So what to do with this day? Batten down the hatches, hide under the blanket and emerge anew on the 15th? Here’s what we suggest:
Talk Yourself Out of it
Survive Valentine’s Day by simply ignoring any significance it might have. This is easy enough in the modern world where it’s just another excuse for companies to attempt to get you to buy large quantities of overpriced, badly made goods (which are also usually pink and heart-shaped). It’s all an attempt to make us feel guilty of being alone. In life we need food, shelter, water, oxygen, clothing, transport and each other. And we need all those things all the time not only on the bloody Valentine’s Day! In fact, we should just boycott Valentine’s Day altogether! Those people who find themselves single on this particular day can comfort themselves thinking that they are saving money, time and effort when all around the world; people are struggling to cope with tokenism and thingism.
DO something ELSE…
… Ignore the whole thing. The best way to succeed is to involve yourself so completely in something that has nothing to do with Valentine’s that you don’t have time to realize that it is Valentine’s Day until it’s already over. Such activities could include making MP3 music collections, carving a really nice fork, knife and spoon out of wood with a dull penknife, or other suitably frustrating but time-consuming and finally “useful” activities.
A Few Alternatives:
One friend came up with this idea: I have the best alternative ever – Valentine’s Day just happens to be my dog’s birthday, so we celebrate THAT instead. Go for a long walk, share a meat pie and watch a movie together, it’s much nicer. Other than that you can just get drunk and watch violent action movies. OR — Do something good, for someone who needs it. You will like yourself as a result. Do it several times and you will like yourself a lot, and sweethearts will be standing in a queue at your door.
Celebrate Being Single
Sometimes it seems that if we don’t have an opportunity to sit opposite someone in a nice restaurant looking all shiny with love, then we feel bad, like something is missing in life or in us. We can spend all of our single life wishing to be in a couple, and then, ironically, when we do find someone, we start thinking how cool it would be to have some of our single life back. Enjoy being single, make the most of it! Do something on Valentine’s Day that celebrates your independent status. In this life you have to be happy with yourself first…
Or you could really go for the made-up mysterious admirer scenario. A few days before Valentine’s Day, place an order for flowers, chocolates and Champagne to be delivered to you at work. Have the card attached marked ‘Your secret admirer’. When the presents arrive, fake ignorance and surprise, and claim not to be able to guess who the gift has come from. Your office colleagues will rack their brains for you all day and will give you lots of attention.
Think International
Fortunately, in some countries Valentine cards and gifts are not only exchanged between sweethearts, but also between close friends. So send flowers and a card to a friend on Valentine’s Day. Or you could move to a country where they don’t celebrate it. Or at least go for a holiday there for the 14th of February, and counter all questions about Valentine’s Day when you get back with long descriptions of what you did, where you went and what you ate, until the uncomfortable moment is over. Russia is a good choice for this. Technically it’s not celebrated there, though the day is fashionable among young people (so avoid schools/colleges). Also if you hang around until the 8th of March, if you are a woman, you will be given flowers and chocolate whatever your marital status. And you’ll get a day off work, too.
Public Holiday
And while we’re on the subject of days off — the Government should solve everybody’s problems by declaring 14 February a national holiday. That way couples can enjoy a guilt-free day together in lovey-doveydom, or argue their way round a supermarket, whatever best suits them. And single people can avoid the outside world by staying at home, reflecting over why exactly nobody has sent them a card. Or spend the day at a free museum with a friend, or go to the pictures, or call their mothers… That way everybody wins.

17 February 2016
DISCUSSION 1: St Valentine’s Day — Pros and Cons
DISCUSSION 2: Cause-result test common errors
- can be tracED back — passive voice
- to get out of the box — выйти за пределы/рамки привычного/обыденности
The fact that almost all our students got bad marks is caused by their inability to pay attention to details.
Your insufficient writing skills can be rooted in the lack of practice and may result in many problems at work.
The lack of concentration in class might lead to many mistakes while you are doing your home assignment.
DISCUSSION 3: Your written papers on CREATIVITY
Well-done, should be just slightly improved and published on our site!
VOCABUlARY: Textbook exercises
Edit your essays and UPLOAD them on STUDENTS’ PAPERS PAGE
18 February 2016
VOCABULARY: Cause- Effect
The Freshman Five
Read Context
Why do students in the first year of college gain on average five pounds? Recent studies have followed freshman students through their first year in college. In these studies, health professionals measured students’ food intake, analyzed their diet, and tracked their physical activity.
A number of things seem to affect student weight gain such as – college meal plans, buffet-style dining, unbalanced food choices, irregular eating habits, increased alcohol consumption, stress, and less exercise. Health professionals are doing their best to educate students to make better choices and to start healthful habits.
1. (Since Because Consequently Due to) students were gaining weight in their first year of college, health professionals decided to study the problem of the «Freshman Five», also called the «Freshman Fifteen»!
2. First, they saw that students had easy access to food (So due to because of because) college meal plans.
3. The cafeterias usually offer buffet style food with a wide variety of food, including junk food. (Consequently, Because So that For this reason,) students may make less healthful choices.
4. (Because The reason is Due to Consequently) students are used to eating balanced meals prepared their parents, they don’t know how to balance meals by themselves when they go away to college.
5. An irregular schedule will often cause a student to skip a meal. Then, the student will binge (in order so that due to consequently) to satisfy his or her hunger.
6. Increased alcohol consumption is another problem. (As a result of Since Because Due to) there are a lot of calories in a small drink, students don’t realize how many calories they are drinking.
7. Often students feel (so stressed that such stressed that so much stress that) they eat a lot of snack food.
8. Finally, (owing to because of due to the fact that because) students get less exercise, they don’t burn enough calories.
9. Students eat more and exercise less during their first year in college (, so so that ; consequently , as) they gain an average of 3.5 – 4 pounds (1.6 – 1.8 k) of weight.
10. Health professionals at colleges and universities are helping to educate incoming students (, so so in order to as) they will avoid the «freshman five «.
Correct or incorrect?
1. For one month, February to March 2004, Morgan decided to eat a junk-food diet in order he find out what it would do to his body and mind.
2. Morgan ate three meals and 5,000 calories per day at McD’s restaurant, so he could find out the effects.
3. Morgan resulted by gaining twenty-four pounds.
4. The affect on his mental state was moodiness and irritability.
5. His liver was unhealthy due to collecting fat.
6. In fact, Morgan gained so much weight that it took him fourteen months for lose the weight and get back to normal.
7. Later, Morgan made a documentary movie called, Super Size Me, because he showed the truth about junk food.
8. The reason for his movie was the increasing rise in obesity in the U.S., so he made the movie.
9. Due to the increasing problem of obesity in the U.S, the government began to require fast food restaurants to use healthier ingredients (food) in their menus.
10. As a consequence, Morgan’s experiment, people now have healthier choices on menus of fast-food restaurants.
LISTENING: Digital Interpreter — Pros and Cons
DISCUSSION: Translators, Interpreters, Languages Teachers and their role in international communication.

HOME ASSIGNMENT:1) Do the exercise on cause-effect
2) Listen to the interview
Deanne about learning languages
a) Write down the key-words and expressions:
- человек, говорящий на многих языках
- продвинутый в языке
- англоговорящий
- иметь склонность к языкам
- уделять как минимум час занятиям
- общаться в чате устно и письменно
- участвовать в международных программах
- культурный обмен
b) Answer the questions in writing:
- What languages does Deanne speak? Why does she like each of them?
- How did she learn languages?
- What language is she learning now?
- What advice does she give to language learners?
- How does she use the Internet? What are the potential dangers of Internet communication?
Working with Languages
b) Answer the questions in writing:
What’s the difference between a translator and an interpreter?
What languages is she an interpreter for?
What languages is she comfortable with and why?
How can one become an interpreter? What’s the fun of this profession?
3) MINI RESPONSE ESSAYWatch the video and write about 100-150 words answering the question (send the essays to your tutor BEFORE the class):
Follow the pattern:
- I have just watched the video entitled….
- In the video (briefly describe what is happening)
- I consider the clip to be mind-blowing and here is what I think…
Valery:I have just watched the video entitled «It’s not about the nail». I consider the clip to be mind-blowing, and here is what I think. There is one quote in the clip that can describe the main communication problem: «Don’t try to fix it. I just need you to listen.» It is very important for people (not only for women, but also for men) to gain the ear. The size of your friend’s problem should not matter for you, it could be a broken vase or a nightmare. You just need to know: for that person it can be a problem of his/ her entire life. And when you see «a nail» in your friend’s head, it only symbolizes that the person is trying to get as much your attention as possible.
There are just three things that you should follow: don’t judge, don’t try to fix your partner’s problem, just listen carefully.
I have just watched the video entitled «It`s not about the nail» . In the video we can see a young couple talking about something. During their conversation the woman is trying to describe her problems to her boyfriend and at the same time, for the man the problem and solution seem completely obvious. But for the woman it is not so important to find the roots of her problems…
I consider the clip to be mind-blowing and here is what I think: frankly speaking, this video really mirrors my own problem because I often find myself saying similar words to my boyfriend or parents when I just want to be heard and understood. The same situation is described in the video: it seems clear that this poor woman`s headaches can be resolved by simply taking that nail out of her forehead but that is not what she is asking for. She just wants to be heard! The problem is that women and men have the different views of life. The advice for men in such situations is: don`t try to fix the problem, just be there for her emotionally.
I have just watched the video entitled “It’s not about the nail”. In the video we may see the young couple sitting on the sofa and talking about something. In general, it is the girl who is talking during the whole clip: she has a problem, and she needs somebody just to listen to her! At the same time her boyfriend is trying to draw her attention to the nail in her head, but she doesn’t want to follow his logical advice.
I consider the clip to be mind-blowing and here is what I think. The main point of this video is that both men and women perceive things differently. This situation is familiar to every woman: we have a problem, we know about it, and we need to share it. And when a man tries “to fix it” at once, we are getting irritated because it’s important for us, women, to be listened to and understood.
I’ve just watched the video entitled “It’s not about the nail”. In the video a woman has a nail in her head and is telling her man about all the difficulties and problems in her life. The man is trying to explain to her that if they take it out she will be able to live a normal life.
I consider the clip to be mind-blowing and here is what I think. When the woman started talking about her problems the man tried to help her, he offered her to solve all the problems together – to get rid of the root of the problems. Then the woman started complaining that he didn’t want to listen to her which means to me that she didn’t want the problems to be solved and she just wanted to make him feel sorry for her. Thanks to this video I’ve understood how stupidly I behave sometimes in such situations.
I have just watched the video entitled «It`s not about the nail». In the video we can see a young couple having a conversation. During their dialogue the woman is trying to tell her boyfriend about her problems. The man thinks that it’s easy to find a solution to the problem. But the woman doesn’t want to understand that.
Everybody reads the reality differently, me, you, but sometimes it’s really important to listen to people who are near you. As for me, I always try to understand my partner, but it rarely happens from the other side. Please, listen to each other.
24 February 2016

TROUBLESHOOTING: The use of articles in the English language.
25 February 2016
0) The news: progress assessment table — see the NEWS-BOARD
1) Articles — home-assignment and a brief test in class
2) Reason-Result — home assignment ex
VOCABULARY — words describing communication:
3) LISTENING — Learning a language
4) DISCUSSION: making mini opinion polls A) How did you come to learn foreign languages? B) How are you going to use your mastery of languages in your professional life?
1) READ a wikipedia article about Non-verbal communication — Follow the link below
Emoticons 😉
2) Read the article about the origin and the meaning of emoticons. Be ready to answer your teacher’s question and start a discussion on the effective use of emoticons in today’s communication.
Smiley, frown and wink face: Are we all victims of a great emoticon trick?
3) WRITE a 100-word answer to the question: In your opinion, do emoticons replace normal emotional communication or do they help people to convey feelings and emotions in writing? Use Reason-Result connectors, for example, Now that we…./ Because (of)/
Send your paper to me before next Wednesday! JL
4) Придумать два творческих вопроса-истории на тему LET’S TALK c 2 про общение между людьми и поиски взаимопонимания и misunderstanding в разные эпохи.

The famous summit meeting of Churchill and Roosevelt had great historical significance — the decision was taken to demand the unconditional surrender of Germany, Italy and Japan. German counter intelligence planned an operation to disrupt the negotiations but the plan failed because of a linguistic mistake. The thing is that German intelligence service intercepted a cipher message written in Spanish, in which it was said that Churchill and Roosevelt were planning to meet on January 14, 1943 in a particular secret place. The Germans, being a very pedantic nation, translated the name of this place literally.
Why did they try to intercept Churchill on his way to the White House USA while Winston Churchill was smoking his cigars in Morocco?
March 2016
3 March 2016
1) Your essay result — progress assessment table — see the NEWS-BOARD
2) DISCUSSION: Emoticons, extended speeches
- What is non-verbal communication? Give your examples.
- Describe the most popular emoticons.
- Make a list of emotions that emoticons express.
- Do we react to emoticons in the same way we do when we see face-expressions in real life?
- What study did Dr Curchells hold?
- Why are emoticons called a new language?
- Why is emoticon language accused of being trivial?
- Is text-speak is dumbing down the younger generation?
3) DEBATE: Divide into 2 groups and exchange your arguments FOR and AGAINST emoticons.
4) READING: Mobile phones
- Download (17 KB)
Write a 180-200-word story describing your own funny/curious experience with mobile phones/text messages — any kind of communication.
16 March 2016
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
DISCUSSION: Unit 8 section 8.1
VOCABULARY: News and media vocabulary
A journalistic interest in the sensational is as old as newspapers themselves, but in the 1980s the intensity of tabloid competition pushed British titles to the point at which readers, and those concerned with the long-term health of the British press, were losing patience. Key factors in the growing disappointment of the British reader with his or her tabloid included the rise of ‘cheque book journalism’ – when newspapers paid the relatives of convicted criminals large sums of money to reveal personal details. In the case of Sonia Sutcliffe, wife of the mass murderer Peter Sutcliffe (the ‘Yorkshire Ripper’), payment was made for personal details. In many cases, including this one, the payments received by criminals’ relatives and friends exceeded the criminal injuries’ compensation paid out to victims and their families.
A second feature of tabloid output which caused increasing concern during this period was its increasingly intrusive nature. Journalists have acquired the habit of entering people’s homes and gardens without permission, rummaging through dustbins for evidence of sexual deviance, and even ‘setting up’ public figures with prostitutes. Frequent victims of intrusion have been the Royal Family, most notably the Princess of Wales, who was photographed secretly while on holiday and very obviously pregnant. Other targets include rock stars and soap opera actors, who frequently find their personal lives becoming the subject of intensive newspaper coverage.
A third element in the increasingly heady tabloid mix was the more primitive tool of fabrication. After the Falklands War the Sun fabricated an interview with Mrs. Maria McKay, the widow of a soldier killed in action. Collecting information from other sources, and inventing what could not be collected, the Sun manufactured an ‘exclusive’, though largely fictious, story of Mrs. McKay’s personal bravery, which she disowned completely when it appeared in print.
checkbook journalism
1. «журналистика чековой книжки»; практика приобретения прав на издание сенсационного материала, особ. воспоминаний преступников, дам полусвета и т. п.
2. рекламная журналистика, особ. интервью, оплаченное интервьюируемыми
The relationship between truth and reporting has always been a tricky one. No scene remains undistorted as it passes the eye of the beholder, and none reaches the page exactly as it was. But while living with this discrepancy, many journalists struggle with a much baser temptation. What they really want to put into their copy is that extraordinary “fact”, that jaw-dropping story retailed by a single source down a cracking telephone line, which would earn them a banner headline if they could only stand it up.
Eddie Clontz felt this more than most, and he never resisted the temptation. As the deviser and, for 20 years, the editor-in-chief of Weekly World News, his delight was to run the wildest stories he could find. He described himself not as an editor but as a circus-master, drawing readers into his tent with an endless parade of fantasies and freaks.
The News for which he was hired, in 1981, was a sorry affair, a dumping ground for stories that failed to make the National Enquirer. It had been started mostly to make use of the Enquirer’s old black-and-white presses after the sister-tabloid had gone to color. Mr Clontz shook it up. Out went the tired celebrity gossip; in came space aliens, dinosaurs, giant vegetables, and a “Psychic” column in which his brother Derek would find readers’ car keys. Circulation soared. In a good week, it could reach well over a million.
Sheer chance seemed to bring Mr Clontz to this strange outpost of journalism. After dropping out of school at 16 and trying his luck as a scallop fisherman, he became a copy boy on his local paper in North Carolina. He moved next to a Florida paper, and from there to the disreputable corner office in the Enquirer building, in a run-down resort near Palm Beach, from which he was to entertain and terrify America.
Mr Clontz always denied that his staff made the stories up. It was subtler than that. Many tips came from “freelance correspondents” who called in; their stories were “checked”, but never past the point where they might disintegrate. (“We don’t know whether stories are true,” said Mr Clontz, “and we really don’t care.”) Many readers appeared to believe Mr Clontz’s stories. Letters poured in. When The News reported the discovery of a hive of baby ghosts, more than a thousand readers wrote in to adopt one. But the saddest tale was of the soldier who wrote, in all seriousness, offering marriage to the two-headed woman.
Useful links: Newspapers for the learners of English
1 ) — The Learning Edge — потрясающая интерактивная газета специально для изучающих английский как иностранный. Все статьи озвучены носителями, текст окрашивается синим, когда speaker его произносит. К каждой статье есть упражнения. Газета рассчитана для уровней Beginner — Pre-Intermediate (включительно).
2 ) — Adult Learning Activities — сайт с озвученными статьями от калифорнийского проекта дистанционного обучения. Статьи разбиты по рубрикам. Созданы для уровней Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate. После каждой статьи есть интерактивные упражнения на закрепление ключевых слов из статьи и понимание информации.
3 ) .. — Words in the News — проект от BBC Learning English — озвученные статьи, которые можно скачать в mp3 и pdf форматах, с объяснениями слов.
4 ) — сайт про сенсационные новости от Sean Banville с многочисленными, но не интерактивными упражнениями.
5 ) — PBS Newshour EXTRA — новости, специально для уровней Upper-Intermediate и Advanced.
6 ) — новости от Voice of America for learning English. Подойдет для уровня Beginner и начального Elementary.
7 ) — очень короткие статьи для уровней Beginner и Elementary.
1) — статьи с последовательным переводом на русский .
2) — видео на английском с субтитрами (нужно нажать «СС») на самые разные темы.
3) — New Scientist
4) — the Economist
17 March 2016
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
QUIZ: Make a short text on the topic THE MEDIA using the key vocabulary
A) главный редактор, тираж, освещение прессе, передовица (редакторская статья), журналист-обозреватель (автор колонки), «горячие» заголовки
editor-in chief, circulation, press coverage, editorial, columnist, hot headlines
B) журналистика чековой книжки, сенсации, вмешательство в личную жизнь, подтасовка фактов, эксклюзивный репортаж
checkbook journalism, the sensational, intrusion into private life, fact fabrication, exclusive report
С) репортер, информация из первых рук, свидетели событий, происшествие, поразительная история, сплетни о знаменитостях, злословие (опорочивание доброго имени)
correspondent, firsthand information, eyewitness, occurrence, jaw-dropping story, celebrity gossip, libel/slander
D) свободный корреспондент, непредвзятая информация, заслуживающее доверия издание, надежный источник, объективное мнение, честность в освещении событий
freelance reporter, unbiased info, credible media, reliable source, objective opinion, integrity in news coverage

One in ten Britons cannot name a single world leader but can list up to five characters in television soap opera EastEnders, a survey suggests. The survey, called “Is Britain Dumbing Down?” also indicates that nearly 10 per cent of the population never watches, reads or listens to the news. The survey of 1,063 people aged 16 and over showed that half spent an hour a day watching news, compared with 86 per cent who regularly tuned into soaps, or reality TV shows.
When asked to name a national leader, 11 per cent of the viewers failed to come up with an answer, including the name of UK Prime Minister. Almost 42% of respondents could not name even one member of the British Cabinet.
The British Culture Secretary has expressed her concerns over the results and she is ready to urge the government to help improve the public’s knowledge. «We can only conclude from this report that Britain is certainly ‘dumbing down’,» she said. «The population has become fanatical about celebrities«. Many think that with major political and international newscontinuously on the agenda, the government still has a key role to play in encouraging people to become more interested in current affairs and the world around them.
However, members of the public claim that there are serious reasons why so few people are interested in international news. The information is so distorted these days that it is impossible for the average person to know what to believe. The dissatisfied viewers say that the current cabinet, apart from being called Labour, is no different to the Conservatives in their plastic attitudes, false promises, and failed agendas. People find it more socially rewarding to have a chat about the latest episode of EastEnders than to discuss the pompous speeches of the cabinet members.
Here is another respondent’s opinion: “I read once that the inventor of television said «I have just invented the world’s best time waster». Looks like we’ve proven him right. Television can be a great source of information, but nowadays it is mostly used to fill the gaps in people’s lives to stop them getting bored. Don’t get me wrong, I like a bit of harmless fun, but when the first thing you do when you walk in the front door is switch on the telly, you need to re-evaluate your life!”
Look at the caricature below. What features of modern television does it reflect?

Do you think the situation is quite the same in your country? Why? Why not?
Listen to the record and do the exercise from textbook Section 8.4
— see Textbook
GRAMMAR Section 8.2 Modal verbs
1) Download the exercises on modal verbs, print the pages out and do the task. MODALS EXERCISES
2) Open page 23 MARCH, watch the clips and answer the questions in writing.
3) LEARN the media vocabulary — see above!
4) NEW! Go to page JOURNALISTS SPEAK OUT, watch the interview with Oxford University graduate Miss Sophie Kinloch and make the tape-script. Attention! It’s a team job, which means you can divide the parts between the members of the group, or try to make a joint effort. The result should be a text written on the page BELOW the interview,
23 March 2016
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
0) mobile phone story assessment
2) Watch the clips below and answer the questions:
What two kinds of newsmen do you see in the clip?
In your opinion, why couldn’t Bruce utter a word first?
Does his behavior look strange to you? What is the reason of such actions on his side? Does he act professionally?
What should a good profi do when he faces some difficulties on air?
Definitely Bruce has some magic gift to spoil the life of his colleague who has taken his place.
What tricks does he play on the poor guy?
What sort of news channel does Cindy work at?
What kind of news do they cover?
What happens to the studio auto cue?
What would you do if you were a news anchor and your auto cue suddenly went mad?
3) DISCUSSION: Sophie’s interview tapescript
4) GRAMMAR: Modal verbs
24 March 2016
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
1) Media vocabulary quiz results
2) LISTENING: Journalists Speak out
Speak about:
One thing that a good person OUGHT to do for his/her parents.
TWO things you CAN’t do in the morning.
Three things that you were able to do when you were a small kid but you can’t do them now.
Four things that one MUSTN’T do at the airport.
Five things that a bride SHOULD remember on her wedding day.
Six things that you HAVE TO do when your car is in service.
Let’s Talk — Classroom Discussion Topics
Media and Our World
CNN introduced us to 24-hour news. We can follow events in real time anywhere on the globe. Technology allows networks to broadcast from distant points like Bosnia and Rwanda. How has this instant access to news broadened our understanding of the world and global issues? How has this same media limited our understanding of other cultures? How can we be sure we get an accurate picture of world events?
News Just For You
In the not-too-distant future, your newspaper may be delivered electronically — over your television or cable line into a computer — and it will be just the news you want. You can request only local news and sports. You might choose entertainment news and weather. What are the advantages of having your newspaper tailored to your individual desires? What are the disadvantages?
Good Ads or Bad?
Many people see advertising only in a bad light — as a tool that makes people do things they don’t really want to do or buy things they don’t really want or need. Can an ad really convince you to purchase something you don’t really care about? Are there positive kinds of advertising? What about ads that encourage people to vote or to recycle? Could there be ads published «in the public’s interest?»
Checkbook Journalism
Reader interest in celebrities and sensationalism has led to fierce competition between print and electronic news organizations. Some tabloid newspapers and television shows pay individuals for their stories, whether those individuals are celebrities themselves or are connected to a sensational story. Domestic staff and business associates of celebrities accept money to give their stories. How does this practice of «checkbook journalism» affect the accuracy of news coverage?
Photo Makeover
Today, many news photos are prepared on computer screens. Once digitized, a photo can be electronically altered and the change is virtually undetectable. The computer allows the photographer to improve the photo by enhancing the color or altering the contrast, for example. However, the process also allows the photographer to alter the content of the photo. Unacceptable words or images can be removed from a t-shirt or sign in a photo. An individual can be moved from one photograph and placed in another. What guidelines should govern the altering of photographs? At what point should the reader/viewer be informed that a photo has been altered?
Life Without Advertising
Advertising is often portrayed as a negative force in media. Is that true? Imagine your life without any advertising of any kind. No more interruptions in your favorite television show. No distracting billboards along the highway. No pictures of food or clothing interspersed with your daily news. No sample perfumes falling out of your magazine. No pesky direct mail pieces in your mailbox. What strategies will you have to use to get the information previously provided by advertising? How will you learn about new products? How will you know when your favorite music group is appearing in your area? How will you learn about political candidates? What will you do to get comparative information on a CD player or camera? How will you know which department store carries the clothing you need? How will you know which grocery store has the best prices on soft drinks this week? What will you do to get the information you need to make purchasing decisions?
1) Make a 2-3 min (no less!) speech on one of the topics above. Be able to present it in class
2) Write the translation of the sentences with the key words (see the classes of 16, 17, 23, 24 March and Journalists Speak Out page)
Главный редактор принимает решение о том, какого рода новости будет освещать издание, будет ли оно знакомить читателя со сплетнями о знаменитостях и разными странными происшествиями и «зубодробильными» историями, или во главе угла будут объективные репортажи с места событий, основанные на свидетельствах их первых рук.
Журналистика чековой книжки подразумевает вмешательство в личную жизнь известных людей для увеличения тиража издания, однако, во множестве стран существуют строгие законы, требующие соблюдения уважения к частной жизни.
Софи считает, что главное качество для журналиста — обаяние, необходимое для того, чтобы создать лучший сюжет, вытянув из самого занудного политика или заносчивой знаменитости самые интересные факты, ведь это в интересах издания и публики, которая не хочет читать о повседневных вещах.
Освещая трагические события терактов в Париже, Софи считала, что это ее долг перед парижанами и всеми людьми мира — ухватить атмосферу города в беде, передать эмоции горожан, чтобы люди поняли, как прекрасна мирная жизнь города, в лучших ее проявлениях.
Говоря о важных для журналиста качествах, Джим Гарднер упоминает хорошее образование, грамотность и владение языком, а также решимость и упорство.
Строго говоря, журналистом может стать каждый, особый диплом для этого не требуется.
Однажды юного журналиста взяли на место практиканта в многотиражный женский журнал, и для него это была очень нервная работа, потому что он совсем не знал, что и как делать. Ему дали задание поработать в рубрике «осуществление мечты«, и в целом это была интересная и захватывающая работа.
Широкая публика любит читать сенсационные материалы о жизни звезд и обо всяких кошмарных происшествиях, потому что повседневная жизнь достаточно скучна и рутинна, а всем хочется чего-нибудь шокирующе-необычного, но предпочтительно, чтобы это случилось с кем-то другим.
Будьте особенно острожны в телефонной беседе с интервьюируемым — ведь он не диктор, начитывающий аудиокниги, он может картавить, шепелявить, мямлить, говорить с акцентом или шептать, он не имеет понятия о четкости и ясности речи, а если вы по ошибке измените потом в статье, основанной на расшифровке его слов, смысл на обратный, это может привести к крупному сканалу.
April 2016
6 April 2016
Unit 10. Mother Nature
Watch the clip and write down the English equivalents of the following words and expressions:
- будущие поколения
- быть слишком погруженными в свои дела
- находить оправдания
- джунгли Амазонки
- очищать воду
- не думать о завтрашнем дне
- думать о выгоде больше, чем о людях
- жадность важнее потребностей
- использовать природу как безлимитную кредитную карточку
- истребление животных
- отравить океаны
- мировоззрение
- иметь наглость назвать разрушительную деятельность прогрессом
- изменение климата
- изменение уровня воды в морях
- смыть целые острова и страны
- носить маски против загрязнения воздуха
- мы можем изменить ход событий
- смотреть в корень
- от нас зависит судьба этой планеты
- изменить атмосферу в наших душах
- мы — часть природы
- предать природу — предать самих себя
- защищать права животных
- сократить объем загрязнения окружающей среды
- стать самими частью решения проблемы
- когда пересохнут реки и исчезнуть деревья, люди осознают, что деньги есть или вдыхать невозможно!
Try to reproduce the speaker’s words, using the key expressions.
- As kids, did you receive any «nature awareness training»? Did you take it seriously? Why/why not?
- What kind of nature awareness instruction would you give to your own kids?
How green/polluted is the area around you? Do you feel comfortable there? Is the situation improving?
Oh, am quite lucky to live in the green area of Moscow. It is well away from the city center and I have several parks near my place which are within the walking distance. One of them, called Yablonevyi Sad, used to be a nasty run-down place where dog owners brought their pets to poo and local drunkards had their orgies. Fortunately it has changed now. The area has been cleaned and has received a good makeover. The beautiful apple trees are still there but now there are also nice cosy paths for walking and jogging, a playground for kids and a pretty little pond with green lawns around it. Even some barbecue spots have been installed quite recently. I love that place and I frequently go there to ease the stress of the big city. I like to sit on the ground and look at the water. However, I get very angry when I still see people dropping garbage or smoking there — though it is strictly banned. I always tell them off. Surprisingly, some of them get really embarrassed and leave… If things go well, I am planning to make my birthday party in the open air in this park.
I’m happy to say that I’m among the lucky ones who live near the forest that untouched by people. There is a huge forest called Izmailovo Park.In this forest there are pinery, birch groves with cozy glades, old ponds and even the architectural monuments of the 18th century. Also, the park has a children’s and sports grounds and outdoor fitness equipment. I really love to train there in the warmer months. I love to walk along the long paths and listen to the singing of birds, feed the squirrels, which run to you by themselves for peanuts. In this forest, trees are so big that not even the sky is clear. You just plunge into the world of the forest, and forget about all the problems of life in the city. And with my daily routine — this is the best way to recuperate. The forest becomes more and more beautiful every year. And now I got the idea to go with my friends or loved ones on a picnic in the near future.
As for me, I have two places of living. In other words, during the working week I live in the university residence which is situated not far from our university. Yes there are some small green areas around our residence , for example, my lovely park which is called 50 let Oktyabrya where my friends and me quite often pass the time because here especially in warm period of time we have a great opportunity to roller skate , to ride a bicycle or just walking. Besides, there is another place which is just a short distance away from our residence is Ydaltsovy Prudy where I can run in the mornings or sometimes on the shores of lake I read the books. I really enjoy these places but as they are situated at the centre of Moscow I haven’t got the feeling that I can fully relax because of the cars which produce a lot of noise.
And the next place is my home where I live at the weekend — it is Moscow region. And here I’d like to say that I really can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Because maybe it is quite small city but is full of green areas such as parks, forests , garden squares . For example, there is a river just a step away from my house and I am very lucky person because water ,swimming makes me feel better and , also, helps me deal with stress.
Despite the fact that I live near the center of Moscow, the area here is pretty green. There is park nearby, called Sad Baumana. The territory is not very large I have to say, but this place is quite popular among the directors of soap operas and just married couples. But when my family and I moved to this area 13 years ago, it was an awful and generic place with dangerous children’s playgrounds, stray dogs and it was full of suspicious-looking people. There were no shops to buy something to drink, or even there was no place to have a snack and benches to sit down on.
Now the situation has changed dramatically: after the reconstruction it has became a nice place to spend time and, what is more important, it is a safe territory. Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited there. By the way, it is a good place to spend someone’s birthday or to organize a family picnic. And there is a thing, which I appreciate very much: in the summer, every weekend the park organizes an open-air cinema, where they usually show old and sometimes black-and-white foreign films in the original without subtitles, so that I like spend my time there in this period.
Oh, i was quite lucky to live near the pound, when i was a little girl. I remember the days when my mother used to bring me to the park where we were walking and feeding ducks and ducklings who lived in the pond. Oh, my sweet childhood. Nowadays, the situation has changed greatly for the worse. The construction of buildings started in the park area though the window I can watch a huge banner with the words on it “Donstroy”. I really hate them now. They poisoned the pond with their garbage and destroyed a part of the park. Days and nights I have the nerve breathing dust and gases coming from this noisy construction. I’m ready to wear masks against pollution. I feel sad about this distraction in progress. This human activity causes aggression inside me. I guess that soon this are of Moscow will transform into “Big ripple №2”, because of skyscrapers that are growing around as fast as mushrooms in the rain forest.
I live in the district that is located out of the Moscow Automobile Ring Road, so the situation with pollution is good enough. It is thought that Mitino is one of the cleanest districts in Moscow. There are 2 two main green zones: the landscape garden of Mitino and the Krasnogorsky forest. I would like to describe the territory of the park, because I really love to walk there and also I see this view from my window. Firstly, it is interesting to note that there was a village 10 years ago, some country houses and apple trees are still can be found at the oldest part of the park. The territory of the park improves from year to year; it becomes more developed than just a simple green zone. It is the best place to spend your weekends. The park is divided into small zones for different events: there are terraces for a barbeque, small shops with snacks, bicycle rentals and also kids can have a good time there, because the amusement rides, go-kart tracks and sports grounds were built for them.
I live in Moscow almost 2 years. I was born in a small town called Alexandrov, which has always been very rubbish and polluted. After 18 years living there I moved to Moscow and was pleasantly surprised. Moscow is pretty green almost everywhere compared to what I thought about it. I must say it’s clean and it makes me extremely happy. There are lots of dustbins everywhere what makes people just easily throw the trash in there, not in the street. I feel very comfortable at the area I live in. I live in a quiet dormitory area with a nice park nearby. Actually it’s spring now and the area isn’t that green yet, but in summer it looks amazing. Also I’d like to point out that there are cute flowerpots with flowers everywhere in Moscow, what makes any place look pleasant and lightens the mood.
7 April 2016
Unit 10. Mother Nature
IN CLASS: General discusssion
1) Watch the video «Sorry!» (see last class), write down all the key words and expressions and learn them by heart.
2) Write your own entry into the Discussion section (See the 6th of April)
3) Watch the video below and and write down the answer the questions:
What ecological issues are described in the clip?
What solutions have been found so far?
What kinds of animals have for the green light now? How can they cross the road?
4) Look at the picture below. What are the visible results of the citizens’ efforts to make their environment greener?
Read more about Western Harbour lifestyle here:
Read the text:
If you had to get green points for making your close environment more nature-friendly, what would you do? Make a list of measures.
13 April 2016
Unit 10. Mother Nature
READING 1: Which examples from there article seem to illustrate mutual human-animal bonds? On the other hand, what instances just show us the way humans exploit animals?
The human–animal bond*
(this material is kindly made available by
Everyone knows the close bond between some animals and humans. We think of horses and dogs, for example, as domestic animals. We use horses for transport and dogs to look after sheep and guard houses as well as thinking of them as friends, but they were once wild.
One example of this close bond is with a bird known as a ‘honey guide’. This bird can easily find bees’ nests, but it cannot get inside without human help. The Maasai tribesmen can find more honey more quickly with the help of this bird. The honey guide makes a special call to guide the tribesmen to the bee hives. The Maasai can then get the honey and give the bird the honeycomb as a reward.
Another example is a group of dolphins in Brazil. The dolphins herd fish towards the fishermen. The dolphins leap into the air to signal when the men should throw their fishing nets. The fishermen catch the fish and the dolphins can then catch some of the fish that try to escape.
Most people don’t like rats, but they are very good at finding landmines as they have an excellent sense of smell, are very intelligent and like repetitive tasks. People train the rats to find the landmines by rewarding them with food. Rats are particularly good for this task as they are too light to set off the landmines, they are cheap to transport and it only takes about nine months to train them. So far they have cleared landmines from more than two million square metres in African countries.
An unusual example of the human animal bond is the ‘piranha pedicure’. With this treatment, you put your feet in a tank of water and the Garra Rufa fish gently nibble away at the dry skin on your feet. This provides the fish with food and the human with soft skin on their feet This treatment is not new. The Garra Rufa fish are native to Turkey, Syria, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East where there is a long tradition of using these fish to treat skin problems.
Recent research in Japan shows that dogs are very successful at detecting cancer, for example by smelling someone’s breath. Unfortunately it takes too long to train the dogs and it is too expensive now to use them commercially, but the findings could lead to a breakthrough in cancer detection in the future.
bond (noun) – a feeling of love, friendship towards other people bond (verb) domestic (adj) – a domestic animal is one that is kept as a pet or on a farm wild (adj) – a wild animal lives in natural conditions and is not raised by
hive (noun) – the place where bees live and make honey
set off (phrasal verb) – to make something explode
nibble (verb) – to eat something by taking a lot of small bites
breakthrough (noun) – a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work
Watch the video in which Sigourney Weaver narrates this first look at the world of Pandora, as portrayed in James Cameron’s epic new motion picture, Avatar.
Answer the questions in writing:
- How is Pandora described in the very first lines?
- What makes Pandora’s atmosphere uninhabitable by humans?
- What sort of rain forests are there in Pandora?
- Describe the wide variety of Pandora’s animals.
- What are Pandora’s humanoids like? What are they called?
- «Hunter can become prey» — what does it mean?
- Describe the magical flying mountains.
- Why is unobtanium so important for the humans from the Earth? Why is it called so?
- How are plants, animals and humanoids connected in Pandora?
- Why is Pandora’s ecology compared to a nervous system?
- Why is the Tree of Souls sacred to the Navi?
- What connection is there between the name of the planet and Greek Mythology?
- In your opinion, what is the filmmakers’ message to the people of Earth?
20 April 2016
Unit 10. Mother Nature
WARM-UP: Look at the stories and pictures of your group mates in our team-project IT’S GETTING GREENER. Say what you like in the pictures and what can be done to to get green points for making your close environment more nature-friendly. Make a list of measures. Use key words and expressions.
DISCUSSION: Animal-human bond. Quote the examples from the text (see 13 April page) and answer the question:
Which examples from there article seem to illustrate mutual human-animal bonds? On the other hand, what instances just show us the way humans exploit animals?
LISTENING COMPREHENSION: Read the answers to the questions to the video Pandora Discovered
21 April 2016
Unit 10. Mother Nature

A) Revise the material of Chapter 1 of the book on cloning. You may download the text HERE:
B) In your notebook, make a list of useful words and expressions from Chapter 1 — that could help you to speak on the issues of the interrelationship between people and the Nature.
C) Watch the movie «The 6th Day» — a 2000 American science fiction action film directed by Roger Spottiswoode and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Adam Gibson, a family man of the future who has been illegally cloned as part of a vast conspiracy involving a shady billionaire businessman. Be ready to discuss the moral and legal issues of cloning raised in the film.
D) By the 4th of May read ALL the texts from pages 25-31 (See the file below). Be ready to answer the questions from Task I (Did You Get It?), Do exercise II (gap-filling — pp 31-33):
Download (294 KB)
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Александра Бедненко, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова, Андрей Щур, Дмитрий Ефимов
A) Go to and register there (for free). Choose BASIC PLAN and see how it works. Create a sample questionnaire on ANY topic (5-7questions of different types) and send your tutor a link. There is a Russian version of this site
B) Make sure you understand every word in this page. Consult the dictionary. Find the Russian equivalents of the key words.
C) Oral tasks. Be ready to discuss the following: