September 2014
1 September 2014
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Валерия Коних, Анна Перепелицына
My young recourceful colleague Alexandra Akchurina
presents a mind-boggling article FRIENDS TO SUCCESS.
Download (22 KB)
5 September 2014
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян
Getting acquainted, discussing our co-operation pricilples:
- mutual respect (don’t be silent but don’t hush others down)
- good attendance,
- stay tuned,always keep notes,
- work in class and at home, it’s a continual prosess
- learn a language and learn to learn a language
- meet deadlines, go digital @
- welcome to advanced learning technologies: our group’s wiki, personal wikies, voxopop, etc
- students as teachers (collaboration in educational projects)
Allow a moment to look through TEAMWORK PRINCIPLES and see if you are doing fine!
Introuducing our virtual classroom:
- check the on-line class of the previous year
- learn about site navigation
- explore task types
- look at students’ YOUTUBE project
ATTENTION! The initial pages of your textbook are attached to this page — see below
1) Study the vocabulary from 6.1 В and C. Be ready to use these words in your travel stories in class
3) Reading. 6.2 A,B,C- Follow the instructions in the book.
8 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
DISCUSSION: virtual classroom — how is it going so far?
logo competition (masterclass of wiki editing due on Friday)
VOCABULARY — blackboard game based on ex 6C
ex 6 B as a sample of the leaflet describing your fav spot on this planet that you are going to compile at home by Friday
GRAMMAR — 6.3 The ways to talk about the Future
TALKING POINT — YOUR DIALOGUESabout the future plans.
Home assignment:
1) Write your own description of your favourite place in the world taking ex. 6.1.B as an example.
2) Watch the following episodes from a famours BBC documentary series «An Idiot Abroad».
Be ready to discuss the culture shock that Karl encountered in Russia.
What are the reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals? Give your reasons
Russian Taxi
On the train
Best bits of Karl’s journey in Russia (don’t miss!)
12 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
LEARINING TO LEARN: In-class tutorial on editing and updating our wiki’s pages. Room 505 13.00
logo competition results
Back to room 310
DISCUSSION: The words of wisdom on travel — what idea did the autor try to convey?
GRAMMAR — Future tesnses check — dialogue practice.
EXAM PRACTICE — Homonyms Textbook page 67
Handing in the leaflets on your favorite place in the world.

What do you know about the famours BBC documentary series «An Idiot Abroad»?
Why are such programmes so popular with the public? Which TV series of this kind do you know? What do you like/dislike about them?
Let’s discuss the culture shock that Karl encountered in Russia.
What are the reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals? Give your reasons
Home assignment:
1) Work in small groups — Write a project of a new travel programme for Russian TV. Justify your plan, outline all the pros of the concept, think what kind of hosts you’d choose and why. What destionations are on your top-list?
2) textbook 6.9 part A and B
15 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
TEAVEL QUOTES QUIZ result — And the winner is…. Anna Perepelitsyna and Alexandra Bednenko (14/18).
Damien Ogorodov and Dmitry Lyukmanov (13/18)
Alexandra Gordonova and Olesya Goldina (12/18)
Maria Gorshenina, Anna Manchenkova and Dmitry Efimov (11/18)
More travel quotes for you to know:
DISCUSSION — a brief course of e-mail etiquette
PRESENTATION: Team work. Allow a moment to look through TEAMWORK PRINCIPLES and see if you are doing fine!
Your projects of a new travel programme for Russian TV. Justify your plan, outline all the pros of the concept, think what kind of hosts you’d choose and why. What destinations are on your top-list?
LISTENING and making notes — How to travel on the cheap
Print out the following files OR keep them in your tablets. ))) Solve all the vocabulary exercises. I mean it!
Make good use of TRAVEL IDIOMS in your presentations on TRAVEL PROGRAMME PROJECT.
Download (183 KB)
Download (167 KB)
Download (156 KB)
22 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Андрей Шур, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына
No Show Дмитрий Люкманов, Огородов Демьян, Дмитрий Ефимов
VOCABULARY WORK checking home assignment on Accommodation types and Travel Idioms
WRITING — booking accommodation on-line/ contacting your travel agent or friend on finding a good deal. Send to mail
A room with a view — Fawlty Towers — BBC
ORAL PRESENTATION — presenting your TV TRAVEL projects. Our «vocab-nazis» will count the new idioms used in each presentation.
1) READING and PRESENTATION Look through online libraries and find a short story of a world-known author — devoted to travelling. Upload the link to our virtual classroom USEFUL LINKS page with a short reference. Be ready to retell this story in class.
2) REVISE your vocabulary notes for a written quiz.
26 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов
No Show: Андрей Шур
VOCABULARY QUIZ. Are you srteetwise with travel idioms? Press HERE to download the Quiz.
ORAL PRESENTATION — presenting your TV TRAVEL projects. Our «vocab-nazis» will count the new idioms used in each presentation.
READING and PRESENTATION — Retelling travel short(???) stories of world-known authors.
Watch the film «Around the world in 80 days.1989» — available on Youtube. Be ready to discuss the journey of Phileas Fogg and his resourceful valet, Passepartout.
Those who failed to get ready with the previous home assignment, please check our NEWSBOARD page.
29 September 2014
Unit 6. See the world! (Final class)
In class:
Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Андрей Щур
VOCABULARY QUIZ RESULTS. Are you srteetwise with travel idioms? Press HERE to download the Quiz.
READING and PRESENTATION — Retelling travel stories of world-known authors.
DISCUSSION Around The World in 80 Days.1989
Those who failed to get ready with the previous home assignment, please check our NEWSBOARD page.
Unit 16. Look after yourself.
16.1 A B — be ready to read, translate and discuss the text
16 C D vocabualry work (consult the dictionary)
October 2014
3 October 2014
Unit 16. Look After yourself
1) LISTENING Doctor doctor jokes )
2) INTERPRETING Tell a joke
3) VOCABULARY work 16 1 C-D
4) DISCUSSION — 16.1 A — In your opinion, are the authors of such tips for healthy living doctors or quacks?
Home Assignment:
Dear students,
As our own contribution to the celebration of the World Teacher’s Day we are going to trade places this Monday. Which means that YOU will do the teaching and I will be ready to «rest on my laurels». To be a success, please look through your home assignment and try to figure out how to create a nice interesting entertaining and thought provoking class basing on this material and something new that each of you will be ready to introduce!
I see it like that — some of you might volunteer to take up my job for some ten minutes, others could be appointed. So we will be able to enjoy the teaching performance of each student in turns.
Yours, JL
Examination Fever
For most of the year, most of us had been allergic to work; apparently there had been a history of such allergies in the school.Throughout the spring there had been quite a few cases of ‘Exams are stupid’, which proved highly contagious among friends.Then in late May, one or two of us suffered a mild attack of ‘Gosh, is it really next month?’ and we seemed to give that to the others rather rapidly. You could tell how it was spreading from improved attendance at lessons.An even more serious outbreak was that of the very infectious ‘I don’t know a thing’ two weeks before. At about the same time everyone seemed tocatch‘You’re no good!’ from the teachers. Then there was about “don’t really care” followed by a few chronic cases of ‘My parents will kill me’. This again proved very catching; half the class was down with it in the week leading up to the exam itself, and it had reached epidemic proportions by the Friday before.By this time, those who had been suffering from ‘It’ll be easy for me’ had made a total recovery.That Friday there was a ‘What if I’m suffering from amnesia?’ scare, and this had developed by Monday into a touch of I can’t even remember my own name’.There were also, of course, the normal isolated cases of ‘My pen doesn’t work’ and several pupils had a sudden fit of ‘Where’s the toilet?’Afterwards there were a couple of complaints of I know I’ve failed’, but generally the worst seemed to be over. Such diseases are rarely terminal!
2) Watch the video and answer the questions below:
What can you say about the patient judging by her looks?
Describe the examination the doctor has given her.
What health problems did he discover?
Why did the doctor finally run away in horror?
3) Work on the phrasal verbs connected with health and illness and be ready make up the dialogues using at least 7 units.

6 October 2014

Attendance: Анна Манченкова, Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Александра Гордонова, Анна Перепелицына, Андрей Щур, Дмитрий Ефимов
TRADING PLACES!Dear students,Thank you very much for your great contribution to the celebration of the World Teacher’s Day ! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Yours, JL
Guys! Now you are responsible for A LOT OF vocabulary items introduced by your classmates. Do learn them by heart!
Make sure you have them ALL at hand — printed out/copied in your notebooks or immediately available in your tablets/phones as you will be given various tasks to use them in your speech!
A) phrasal verbs connected with health and illness and be ready make up the dialogues using at least 7 units.
+ Mary’s sentences for translation:
1. Когда она услышала, что ее мама была отправлена в госпиталь, она очень расстроилась, но она выпила успокоительное, и ей удалось заснуть. Ей понадобится время, чтобы прийти в себя.
2. Она подхватила очень странное заболевание: она сильно кашляет, ей тяжело передвигаться, и она время от времени теряет сознание. Врач прописал ей таблетки и посоветовал ей бросить курить.
3. Один из игроков сильно ударил моего сына по голове и он потерял сознание, поэтому ему сейчас нужен уход.
4. У него на лице странная опухоль, возможно, он что-то подхватил. Ему нужно мазать ее чем-то, чтобы она уменьшилась.
5. Она не может оправиться от шока, она передвигается по дому как приведение и ей очень сложно засыпать.
B) Alexandra’s Idioms:
alive and kicking— to be well and healthyMy aunt is ninety years old and she is very much alive and kicking.
alive and well— to be well and healthyThe worker was alive and well after the accident.
as fit as a fiddle— to be healthy and physically fitMy grandfather is ninety years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.
in the best of health/ in the pink— very healthy
as pale as a ghost— extremely paleMy grandfather was as pale as a ghost when he entered the hospital.
as pale as death— extremely paleThe woman in the hospital waiting room was as pale as death.
at death’s door/ have one foot in the grave— very near deathThe sales manager was at death’s door after his heart attack.
back on one’s feet— physically healthy againMy mother is back on her feet after being sick for two weeks.
bitter pill to swallow— an unpleasant fact that one must acceptLosing the election was a bitter pill to swallow for the candidate.
black out— to lose consciousness, to faint, to pass outThe football player blacked out after being hit by the other player.out cold- unconscious, to have faintedThe patient was out cold because of the anesthesia when he entered the operating room.
breathe one’s last— to dieThe man breathed his last after a long illness.
bring (someone) around— to restore someone to health or consciousness, to cure someoneThe medical workers were able to bring the man around after the accident.
bundle of nerves— a very nervous or anxious personThe woman is a bundle of nerves after looking after her three children.
- die a natural death- to die by disease or of old age and not by an accident or by violence My grandfather was very old and he died a natural death. draw blood- to make someone bleed, to get blood from someone The doctor decided to draw blood from the patient in order to check his blood sugar level.
- flare up- to begin again suddenly (an illness or a disease) My mother’s skin problem flared up when she started to use the new hand soap.
- nothing but skin and bones- to be very thin or emaciated The young man was nothing but skin and bones when he returned from the long camping trip.
- run some tests- to do some medical tests on a patient The doctor decided to run some tests on the patient. show signs of an illness
IDIOM 1: «go under the knife»
-> MEANING: to be operated on in surgery
-> EXAMPLE: His wife went under the knife at the hospital last evening.
IDIOM 3: «under the weather»
-> MEANING: not feeling well
-> EXAMPLE: My boss has been feeling under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.
IDIOM 4: «head shrinker «
-> MEANING: a psychiatrist
-> EXAMPLE: The man was told to go and see a head shrinker after he threatened the woman in the store several times.
IDIOM 5: «at the top of one’s lungs»
-> MEANING: as loud as one can, very loudly
-> EXAMPLE: I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the attention of that man.
IDIOM 6: «blood is thicker than water»
-> MEANING: family members are closer to one another than to others
-> EXAMPLE: Blood is thicker than water and people usually support their family rather than their friends in times of trouble.
IDIOM 7: «butterflies in one’s stomach»
-> MEANING: a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach
-> EXAMPLE: The little boy had butterflies in his stomach when he had to give the speech in front of the class.
IDIOM 8: «save one’s neck»
-> MEANING: save from danger or trouble
-> EXAMPLE: The worker tried to save his own neck without thinking of any of the other people.
C) Ann’s great exercises:
Part I Match the symptoms to the name of the disease.
a.Can`t sleep b. A bloated, painful stomach c. High temperature, nausea, dizziness d. A painful muscle contraction e. Difficulty breathing, wheezing f. can`t stop yawning g.runny nose, sore eyes, sneezing h.spots and red lumps on the face and neck i. headache, fever, aching muscles
- Indigestion 2. Asthma 3.Insomnia 4. Overtired 5. Flu 6. Cramp 7. Acne 8. Heat stroke 9. Hay fever
Part 2 Explain the meaning:
- A Streaming cold b)a Black eye c)a Nose bleed d) wakefulness e) fatigue d)a syringe
Part 3 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate name of body part:
- Thanks for listening. I needed to get that off my …… .
- Surgeons need to have a strong ………. Because they can`t let the sight of blood and injuries upset them.
- The little girl was eating her ….. out because she was not allowed to have a dog.
- I`m sure something is going to go wrong today. I can feel it in my ……………. .
- I didn`t say that. Please don`t put words into my……… .
- People who are always complaining are a pain in the ……………… .
- He seems rather bad-tempered when you first meet him, but his ….. is In the right place.
- During the school holidays the children keep getting in my ……. –why can`t they just be a little calmer?
- Some of the tourists with sticky ……… try to break off pieces from the castle wall.
- He was so enthusiastic about taking part in the project – I have never seen him having so itchy ….. .
- Come on, show a …., it`s nearly midday.
Part 4 Paraphrase the following:
- You can`t be the only person at the parade not wearing a uniform – you`ll stick out like a sore thumb.
- She will take it ill if you refuse her invitation.
- If we hadn`t had cancel our holiday, we would have been on the plane that crashed, so I suppose it`s an ill wind ( that blows nobody any good).
- It cost us a lot of money to get papers to leave the country – we had to see a lot of officials and they all had itching palms.
- He gets very wound up about going to the dentist.
- I was going to apply for the job but I got cold feet.
10 October 2014
Unit 16. Look After yourself
In class:
1) WE ARE NOT UNDER WEATHER! Travel stories….
A visit do doctor
Listen for general info and some details:
1. What sort of health problem does the patient have?
2. When was the patient injured?
3. What was the patient doing when he supposedly got his injury?
4. What sort of treatment does the doctor have in mind?
5. Do you think the patient has got a serious health problem? Justify your opinion.
6. Does the doctor appear to be sympathetic/unsympathetic/helpful?
Write down the words and expressions which correspond to the following:
- Думал полегчает, а стало хуже
- Думаю, ребро сломал…
- Ну, и что Вас беспокоит?
- Принимать болеутоляющие средства
- Само пройдет!
- Сделать рентген
- Сильно болит, правда!
- У меня ужасно болит…
3) SPEAKING Your «Visit to doctor» dialogues with «health and illness» idioms
4) DUBBING A MOVIE SCENE Jeff Peters as a personal magnet — Meet Dr. Waugh-hoo!
Happy hour! Just watch the clips below and be ready to reason and discuss!
Why Shrinks Have Problems? — Suicide, stress, divorce — psychologists and other mental health professionals may actually be more screwed up than the rest of us.
In your opinion, what is wrong with the doctor?
2) Austin Powers Group Therapy
What famous American TV show is ridiculed in this movie? What are the general features of this kind of programmes?
3) Anger Management — Don’t go there
Do you think this man managed to deal with his angry ways? Why?/Why not?
4) Anger Management — Who you are scene
Why is the patient getting more and more nervous?
5) Неадекватные Люди. У психолога
What do you think about this doctor?
6) Freaky Fridy/ Therapy scene
Having watched this comic scene, do you think shrinks need to distance themselves from their patients in order not to go mad?
13 October 2014
Unit 16. Look After yourself
In class:
LISTENING/COMPREHENSION/FREE SPEECHGo back to the page of your home assignment. Watch the clips and answer the questions.
READING. Read the extract from the article
Why Shrinks Have Problems? — and answer the question posed in the title.
«…In 1899 Sigmund Freud got a new telephone number: 14362. He was 43 at the time, and he was profoundly disturbed by the digits in the new number. He believed they signified that he would die at age 61 (note the one and six surrounding the 43) or, at best, at age 62 (the last two digits in the number). He clung, painfully, to this bizarre belief for many years. Presumably he was forced to revise his estimate on his 63rd birthday, but he was haunted by other superstitions until the day he died—by assisted suicide, no less—at the ripe old age of 83. That’s just for starters. Freud also had frequent blackouts. He refused to quit smoking even after 30 operations to correct the extensive damage he suffered from cancer of the jaw. He was a self-proclaimed neurotic. He suffered from a mild form of agoraphobia. And, for a time, he had a serious cocaine problem.
Neuroses? Superstitions? Substance abuse? Blackouts? And suicide? So much for the father of psychoanalysis. But are these problems typical for psychologists? How are Freud’s successors doing? Or, to put the question another way: Are shrinks really «crazy»?»
LISTENING Textbook. 16.6 Listening. Part 2. Was Freud a fraud? NOW YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW AGAIN ONLINE!
Write down the English equivalents for:
- одурачить, обмануть, ввести в заблуждение
- это просто чушь, ерунда!
- предоставить кого-л. самому себе
- непрофессионалы, любители
- состряпать историю
- поставить неверный диагноз
- неэффективное лечение
- оговорка по Фрейду ( be ready to give an example)
- «бессознательное»
- «мутные» туманные разглагольствования
- препятствовать тщательным клиническим испытаниям
- наживаться на доверчивость публики
- разрушить мифы
Part 1. Write and essay (300 words max): How can a psychiatrist (or psychoanalyst or psychotherapist) help someone with their problems?
Use the words and expressions from the interview above. Upload your essay on the page STUDENTS’ PAPERS. Don’t forget to sign your work! Please don’t delete the whole page by mistake ). Dealdline — Friday, 17 October
For instructions check YOUR YOUTUBE PROJECT page from the main menu.
The deadline is shifted from 17 October to 20 October (your first pilot YOUTUBE project is to be uploaded on the specified page by 23.55 next Monday)
31 October 2014
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына,Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова
TALKING POINT Does Halloween really matter in Russia? Are you going to celebrate it? Why/Why not?
YOUR ESSAYS Teacher’s notes
YOUTUBE PROJECT Your verdict on the presentations of Dmitry, Ann, Alexandra and Andrew. What would you want to do to better your presentation skills?
HOME TASK Study pack on Education (Finland’s schools)
HOME ASSIGNMENT:A) WHAT COLLEGES WILL TEACH AT 2025Read the article and work with the study pack created by your group mate Dmitry Efimov
Download (50 KB)
What colleges will teach in 2025_Student.pdf
Download (71 KB)
B) WRITING Write a spooky story.
Genre: A short story (Narrative) written to SCARE (and amuse) the reader. The writer uses descriptive language and imagery and techniques (such as building suspense or tension or leaving details to the reader’s imagination) to stimulate the reader’s imagination.
Your Task: You are to write a short horror story that includes many of the traditional elements that you would expect to find in a scary story, such as:
— The language of horror (example: eerie, blood-curdling and terrifying)
— The building of suspense to create suspense and reader engagement
— Unique and unusual characters
— Shocking events or unexpected twists that the reader could not possibly predict
— Descriptive words that create a sensory experience
— An ending that may leave the reader feeling uncomfortable, that the story could be true…
Story length: 200 — 300 words
Task Criteria:
— Appropriate story structure (introduction, conflict and resolution)
— Sentences and paragraphing
— Punctuation and spelling
— Consistency of tense
— Genre representation (language use and vocabulary)
— Creativity – quality of writing
Useful tips:
1) Decide on the plot of the story (based on – own ideas, movie, real story, nightmare etc).
2) Decide on location for setting and create the ‘context’ of the story – Is it set in the past? In a particular country? Is the story a consequence of past events? What social, cultural and environmental factors will be included to make your story authentic?
3) Decide of the number and ‘types’ of characters.
Develop your plot
1) Decide the ‘main action’ for the story – (Examples: accident, murder, an escape, a meeting etc)
2) Create the ‘scene’ – the environmental or atmospheric elements that make the story scary (example: an abandoned farm house in the middle of a cold, snowy night)
3) A strong ending for resolution – needs to be satisfying for the reader, so they are not left asking questions
Important things to consider
— Plan it out – in point form, in the order they should go
— Take care of details – your reader needs to see, hear and experience what you intended them to!
— Edit – proof read your own work for errors and improvements
— Get someone else to read your story – have you succeeded in scaring the reader?
A few useful Websites:
November 2014
7 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова, Андрей Щур
QUIZ Education vocabulary
Download (104 KB)
Download (118 KB)
READING Textbook 9.3
WRITING a summary
DISCUSSION Education reform
Textbook Unit 9.2 B — Writing an application. You don’t necessarily have to apply for Sakura Scholarship. Think of any course or school and write your application according to the following sample (no more than 350 words). To make sure you haven’t downloaded a similar paper from the Internet please give it a PERSONAL TOUCH!
10 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve

Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова
TEAM A. An overview of the UK school system (based on the education vocabulary quiz)
TEAM B. An overview of the US educational issues (based on the newspaper article «What Colleges will teach in 2025?»
TEAM C. An overview of Australian education system (based on the selection of articles below)
TEAM D. An overview of Russian educational issues (based on your group’s joint project EDUCATION IN RUSSIA)
TEAM E. A popular view on Russian schools (based on a popular blogger’s post)
14 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve. TO CHEAT OR NOT TO CHEAT

Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова
Dear students, please check your personal mailboxes to find your Halloween spooky stories with my notes. You can also find some words of praise in STUDENTS’ PAPERSpage. JL
«Is Internet Cheating Really Cute?» (integrity in education). Download the files below:
Download (114 KB)
Home assignment
Learn the vocabulry from the study pack on CHEATING AND INTEGRITY
Render the newspaper article «В последнее время использование…» into English — in writing
Translate the final text of the study pack into Russian — in writing.
Read the selection of articles on the subject. Be ready to sum up the contents of each article. Pick up the key vocabulary.
Download (158 KB)
17 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve. TO CHEAT OR NOT TO CHEAT
READING Best Halloween spooky stories
TRANSLATION See your home assignment
MAKING A SUMMARY See the articles on cheating you were to read at home.
Watch the video and write a 300-word RESPONSE ESSAY *.
RESPONSE PAPERS are usually requested by teachers so that you’ll consider carefully what you think or feel about something you’ve read/watched. The following guidelines are intended to be used for reacting to a reading although they could easily be used for reactions to films too. A good response is persuasive; therefore, it should cite facts, examples, and personal experience that either refutes or supports the material you’re responding to, depending on your stance. The following questions might help you to structure your paper:
- How do you feel about what you are reading?
- What do you agree or disagree with?
- Can you identify with the situation?
- What would be the best way to evaluate the story?
Unlike a summary, a response is a subjective opinion about the piece and, as such, can include opinions and personal experiences as long as they are supported. The key to writing a good response is to always be specific and support all points made.
Критерии оценивания эссе
Высший балл «20» ставится, если соблюдены ВСЕ нижеследующие условия.
В зависимости от степени соблюдения условия, вы можете выставить оценку от 1 до 3 баллов
- 1 БАЛЛ Решение коммуникативной задачи – предлагаемый текст представляет из себя Response Essay, а не работу иной стилистики.
- 1 БАЛЛ стиль изложения соответствует ситуации и учитывает получателя сообщения, в данном случае – нейтральный (отсутствуют как чересчур разговорные, так и слишком официальные, «канцелярские» выражения);
- 2 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал способность изложить свои мысли последовательно, выстраивая логическую цепочку рассуждений;
- 3 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал богатый лексический запас (Владеет тематически релевантной лексикой, позволяющей полностью раскрыть тему и точно передать мысль, не прибегает к повторам, Владеет синонимическими рядами, умеет использовать слова в нужном контексте).
- 3 БАЛЛАВ эссе умело используются идиомы и фразовые глаголы, причем балл снижается и за их отсутствие, и за их чрезмерное присутствие или неуместное употребление.
- 3 БАЛЛА текст эссе содержит правильные и разнообразные грамматические конструкции (Правильно употребляет глаголы (залог, грамматическое время и наклонение), неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие), существительные (число, падеж, номинализация), прилагательные, наречия, местоимения),
- 2 БАЛЛА автор использует сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения (правильно строит и простые и сложные предложения, владеет репертуаром союзов и союзных слов, уместно использует средства выделения (инверсия, расщепление предложения и т.д.).
- 2 БАЛЛА в тексте эссе нет орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок, соблюдены среди прочего простые правила синтаксиса, предложения начинаются с большой буквы и завершаются точкой, и даже Дима Люкманов дописывает каждое слово до конца.
- 3 БАЛЛА автор проявил оригинальность мысли и творческий подход к ответу на вопрос.
21 November 2014
Unit 9. A Learning curve
Education vocabulary quiz key:
*I took into account the fact that some optional answers were possible and accepted those too, but not in case when it had been previously discussed in class. JL
Education vocabulary quiz results:
Гордонова Александра 27/31
Семейство Огородовых
Бедненко Александра 26.31
Горшенина Мария 26/31
Гольдина Олеся 26/31
Arianna Scroccaro 25/31
Анна Перепелицына 23/31
Martina Bergamaschi 23/31
Анна Манченкова 22/31
Дмитрий Ефимов 0/31
Dear students,
These days you should be busy writing your RESPONSE ESSAYS (see HOME ASSIGNMENT from the 17th of November)
Please bear in mind that each paper (uploaded on the STUDENTS’ PAPERS page) is to be assessed by each member of the group according to the criteria given below!
Критерии оценивания эссе
Высший балл «20» ставится, если соблюдены ВСЕ нижеследующие условия.
В зависимости от степени соблюдения условия, вы можете выставить оценку от 1 до 3 баллов
- 1 БАЛЛ Решение коммуникативной задачи – предлагаемый текст представляет из себя Response Essay, а не работу иной стилистики.
- 1 БАЛЛ стиль изложения соответствует ситуации и учитывает получателя сообщения, в данном случае – нейтральный (отсутствуют как чересчур разговорные, так и слишком официальные, «канцелярские» выражения);
- 2 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал способность изложить свои мысли последовательно, выстраивая логическую цепочку рассуждений;
- 3 БАЛЛА автор продемонстрировал богатый лексический запас (Владеет тематически релевантной лексикой, позволяющей полностью раскрыть тему и точно передать мысль, не прибегает к повторам, Владеет синонимическими рядами, умеет использовать слова в нужном контексте).
- 3 БАЛЛАВ эссе умело используются идиомы и фразовые глаголы, причем балл снижается и за их отсутствие, и за их чрезмерное присутствие или неуместное употребление.
- 3 БАЛЛА текст эссе содержит правильные и разнообразные грамматические конструкции (Правильно употребляет глаголы (залог, грамматическое время и наклонение), неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие), существительные (число, падеж, номинализация), прилагательные, наречия, местоимения),
- 2 БАЛЛА автор использует сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения (правильно строит и простые и сложные предложения, владеет репертуаром союзов и союзных слов, уместно использует средства выделения (инверсия, расщепление предложения и т.д.).
- 2 БАЛЛА в тексте эссе нет орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок, соблюдены среди прочего простые правила синтаксиса, предложения начинаются с большой буквы и завершаются точкой, и даже Дима Люкманов дописывает каждое слово до конца.
- 3 БАЛЛА автор проявил оригинальность мысли и творческий подход к ответу на вопрос.

Dear students,
By Monday, the 24th of November your Response essays should be ready. That gives you 3 days for mutual assessment.
Please score each paper according to the criteria and send it to Ann Manchenkova.
Ann, please put the scores into the table and calculate the total score.
А.М. | О.Г. | А. Ш. | Д. Л. | А. Б. | М.Г. | А. Г. | А.П. | Д.Е. | Д.О. | Ю.О. | A.S. | M.B. | Total | |
Анна Манченкова | þ | 19 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 20 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 15 | 222 |
Олеся Гольдина | 20 | þ | 19 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 17 | 19 | 19 | 17 | ? | 190 |
Андрей Шур | 17 | 19 | þ | 18 | 20 | 17 | 19 | 17 | 18 | 107 | ||||
Дмитрий Люкманов | 16 | 16 | 17 | þ | 16 | 19 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 17 | 16 | 13 | 197 |
Александра Бедненко | 18 | 19 | 20 | 19 | þ | 18 | 18 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 18 | 13,5 | 13 | 191.5 |
Мария Горшенина | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 18 | þ | 20 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 207 |
Александра Гордонова | 19 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 20 | þ | 19 | 19 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 14 | 198 |
Анна Перепелицына | 19 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 18 | þ | 16 | 18 | 18 | 16 | 12 | 190 |
Дмитрий Ефимов | 18 | 20 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 19 | þ | 18 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 205 |
Демьян Огородов | 18 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 17 | þ | 19 | 16 | 16 | 202 |
Юлия Огородова | 19 | 16 | 19 | 17 | 16 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 19 | þ | 12 | 12 | 184 |
Arianna Scroccaro | 20 | 19 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 19 | 18 | 16 | þ | 17 | 204 |
Martina Bergamaschi | 19 | 19 | 20 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 18 | 18 | þ | 205 |
28 November 2014
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING
![]() |
sfbshopping-animated.gif |
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Мария Горшенина, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Дмитрий Ефимов, Arianna Scroccaro, Анна Манченкова,
In class:
READING AND DISCUSSION: On Christmas shopping (extract from Bridget Jones Diary)
Textbook Unit 7 (Vocabulary)
Home Assignment
Watch the clips on shopping. Be ready to answer the questions.
1) What seemed to be Vivian’s problem while she went shopping?
2) Explain why Vivian’s second shopping session was much more successful.
3 ) Why is the customer clearly dissatisfied with such ‘excellent’ service? Have you had a similar experience in shops?
4) Why did the person at the cash register dislike Michelle Pfeiffer’s heroine? What was her vendetta? Have you ever felt the same in shops?
5) Do you know what shoplifting is? Have you ever had an experience of the kind? In your opinion, why do shoplifters steal things? What measures should be taken to prevent this?
6) Render the content of the two scenes in the shops into English (up to the minute 3.29). Be ready to retell the episodes in class. Make sure to mention the relevant details making these episodes so funny.
7) What sort of people do you see at the meeting? Why do they get together? Why does Rebecca’s monologue spoil the whole game? Where does she keep her credit card? Why? What other ways to look after your money do you know?
December 2014
1 December 2014
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING

In class:
DISCUSSING the videos:
1) (Pretty Woman) What seemed to be Vivian’s problem while she went shopping?
Render the dialogue into English:
— Я могу Вам помочь?
— Я просто осматриваюсь.
— Ищете что-то конкретное?
— Да, что-нибудь скромное/ консервативное. У Вас красивые вещи! Вот это сколько стоит?
— Думаю, это Вам не подойдет.
— Я не спросила, подойдет ли мне это, я спросила, сколько стоит.
2) (Pretty Woman) Explain why Vivian’s second shopping session was much more successful. Comment on the statement «The stores are not nice to people. they are nice to credit cards».
3 ) (Mr.Bean) Why is the customer clearly dissatisfied with such ‘excellent’ service? Have you had a similar experience in shops?
Render the dialogue into English:
— Вы бы хотели подарочную упаковку?
— Пожалуй, а нельзя ли поскорее?
— Конечно, сэр, будет готово мгновенно!
4) ( The Family) Why did the person at the cash register dislike Michelle Pfeiffer’s heroine? What caused that kind of intercultural conflict? What was her vendetta? Have you ever felt the same in shops?
Как сказать по-английски «Сдачи не надо!»
5) (Bad Grandpa) Do you know what shoplifting is? Have you ever had an experience of the kind? In your opinion, why do shoplifters steal things? What measures should be taken to prevent this?
6) (Bluff) Render the content of the two scenes in the shops into English (up to the minute 3.29). Be ready to retell the episodes in class. Make sure to mention the relevant details making these episodes so funny.
7) (Shopaholic) What sort of people do you see at the meeting? Why do they get together? Why does Rebecca’s monologue spoil the whole game? Where does she keep her credit card? Why? What other ways to look after your money do you know?
Say it in English:
In just 5 minutes make up a short funny dialogue making use of at least 10 words or words combinations from the list above.
Read the article below:
Study shows money makes us worry
A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money isn’t easy. Over 109,000 people took part in the BBC’s Big Money Test. It was one of the biggest ever studies
on money psychology. One of the biggest findings is that money makes many people feel bad. Researchers say over 40 per cent of us always worry about spending money; a third of us constantly worry about money; and the same percentage feel guilty when spending money on themselves. The study found that women like to go shopping to make themselves feel better about life, while men are more likely to save their cash. Women are more generous with their money and are also more likely to suffer from money problems.
The researchers also looked at ways shops try and make us spend our money. It showed how stores are continually looking at new ways to make us buy things on impulse. It asks why candies and chocolate are always by the checkout in supermarkets; why «everyday essentials like bread and milk are at the back of the shop so you have to walk through as many aisles as possible to reach them;» and why the perfume and jewellery sections are always at the front of a department store. The test says that buying things on impulse can be bad for our finances: «People who bought goods impulsively were three times more likely to go bankrupt, and four times more likely to run out of money by the end of the week.»
Source: /
True / False
a) Almost 110,000 took part in a BBC study on money. T/F
b) The BBC research was the biggest ever on the psychology of money. T / F
c) The research says 40% of us worry about money all the time. T / F
d) The researchers said men are more generous than women with money. T / F
e) The article says we look for new ways to buy things on impulse. T / F
f) The research questions why milk is always at the back of the store. T / F
g) The study found impulse buying is not so good on our wallets. T / F
h) Impulse buyers are 3 times bankrupt. T / F
Discussion (be ready to justify your answers providing the examples from your own experience)
- How do shops make us buy things?
- Do you always believe adverts that tell us why we need something?
- What things have you bought on impulse? Were you happy after?
- Have you ever bought something and felt guilty?
- Do you need everything you buy?
- How does shopping make you feel?
Watch the advert of Wstfield Shopping Mall. Create an advertisement of ANY shopping facility selling ANY merchandise. Make sure you have done everything possible to attract the customers. (writing task, about 200 words, to be uploaded on students’s papers page)
5 December 2014
Attendance: Олеся Гольдина, Александра Бедненко, Анна Перепелицына, Демьян Огородов, Юлия Огородова, Arianna Scroccaro, Martina Bergamaschi, Анна Манченкова, Александра Гордонова, Андрей Щур, Дмитрий Ефимов

A) Go to and register there (for free). Choose BASIC PLAN and see how it works. Create a sample questionnaire on ANY topic (5-7questions of different types) and send your tutor a link. There is a Russian version of this site
B) Make sure you understand every word in this page. Consult the dictionary. Find the Russian equivalents of the key words.
C) Oral tasks. Be ready to discuss the following:
8 December 2014
In debt: Дмитрий Люкманов, Александра Бедненко, Огородовы Демьян и Юлия, Дмитрий Ефимов (survey samples)
A) VOCABULARY MONEY ( See home assignment)
B) LIFE SKILLS Checking up your survey monkey experience. Be ready to describe the options this tool offers a clever user. When and where might you use this tool in the future?
B) CREATING AN INTELLECTUAL QUIZ ONLINE — general principles and useful tips.
What are the most important aspects of a quiz that engages and entertains an audience? Here are some important things to remember if you want to to write really great questions and realistic response options:
- Your quiz should help the taker to broaden their horizons.
- Research your subject carefully! In general, the more information you know about your subject, the better.
- Your phrasing should be as clear as daylight. Avoid ambiguity! Don’t mislead your audience by unintelligible tasks. Make sure your questions are clear, relevant, and easy to understand.
- Determine the format of the questions themselves — will they be true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or a combination?
- The quizmaster must be smart enough to think of a thought-provoking task which can be solved through mental research and not the web-search.
- Yet an online quiz would be useless if a taker could easily google the answers using the key words.
- Avoid trick responses (this includes multiple correct responses, ambiguous answers, and overly abstract responses).
- Double-check all questions and response options for grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting and contradictions.
- People want results and they want them now, not ten minutes from now after answering your fifty question quiz. The sweet spot for most quizzes is 15-20 questions. You want your quiz to be lengthy enough to meet your goal, but not so long that readers lose interest.
- Write the Key or Explanation. The key is the most important part because this is where you actually convey information. If the quiz is designed to educate readers about a particular topic, your key should give not only the right answer but explain why it’s correct.
- To test your quiz before turning it in, ask a friend or family member to give it a test run. Is it fun to take? Do the questions make sense? Is it challenging but not overly difficult? Did he or she learn something by taking it? If the answer to these questions is yes, you’re ready to submit your quiz — and get to work on your next quiz-worthy topic.
Great quiz by Ann Perepelitsyna:
If you are a fan of «Gone with the wind» click here (a quiz by Olesya Goldina)
A) Knowledge-testing tasks:
Food Idioms: Sorry, but Russian food, so rich and fattening, is not my _drop of milkcup of tealoaf of breadglass of beer
Food Idioms: Take everything you read on the Internet with a _
cup of tea
slice of lemon
lump of sugar
pinch of salt
Famous food quotes: When the wife of King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette was told that the people of France were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, the Queen is said to have replied:“Let them go on a diet!”
“Let them catch frogs and eat them!”
“Let them eat cake!”
B) Research-based tasks:
Did you know? A famous French chef once gave his own name to this “culinary masterpiece” which still bears the same name in the country where he then was a guest restaurateur. It appeared as a treat for wealthy gourmets but with time it has become immensely popular with ordinary people. These days the ingredients are very cheap and easy to obtain in any local food store. Curiously, this dish being very popular in many other countries goes there under an altogether different «title» linked to the name of the country where it was first cooked. What is this dish called, say in Great Britain? (The answer should contain TWO words!) _
They are believed to originate from Australia. In the 1970s, they were regarded as distasteful. These days, they can be seen at TV-shows and at fashionable parties. They are loved by both men and women. Surfers are especially attracted to them. Though they are very popular, their name is derived from the word ‘ugly’. What are they?
This magnificent old veteran of America’s struggle for freedom is said to have announced the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence. His voice failed him many times, but American patriots refused to heal him. They said that his “wounds” would serve to remind Americans that their ancestors had won liberty for their country and its people with strain and stress. _
“A Stocking Made of Leather”, “The Eye of a Predatory Bird”, “The Animal Killer” — these look like translations by someone who is unacquainted with American literature and has used an electronic interpreter. What is the name of the author who introduced the fictional character known by the nicknames corrupted by the poor translation.
Since early childhood the Queen, unlike other members of the Royal family, has never changed her haircut. Why?
1) Collect the trivia for your FINAL QUIZ — Remember, the deadline is the 15th of December!
2) Listen to the dialogue and make notes that will help you to answer your teacher’s questions in class.
Download (52 KB)
12 December 2014
DEAR STUDENTS, YOUR QUIZZES should be ready by Monday, the 15th of December. Send me the links* BEFORE, so that I could have a quick look first and recommend you some alterations and improvements if they are needed. Remember that the project is your final work this year. Your exam grade depends on it.
*You might need to send me three sets of questions each as the survey monkey does not allow you to make a quiz longer than 10 questions, and we have agreed on about 25 questions.
Yours, JL
In debt: Дмитрий Люкманов, Дмитрий Ефимов (survey samples missing)
A) JUST LISTENING AND SPEAKING. Answer the questions based on the dialogue:

B) DISCUSSION.** The Man Who Lived Without Money
- What’s Mark’s background?
- When did the change in his life path come? What urgent issues was he discussing with his friend?
- What is Mark’s view of the consumer and the consumed?
- When Mark decided to give up money what list of basics did he make?
- Describe his life under the new circumstances.
- What does he say about consumerism?
- What gains did he have during his year without money?
- Do you think the man is just mad? Why? / Why not?
15 December 2014
Anna Manchenkova and Anna Perepelitsyna 20/20
Dmitry lyukmanov Olesya Goldina 20/20
Martina Bergamaschi 16/20
The Ogorodovs 18/20
Maria Gorshenina, Aleksandra Bednenko 17/20
Alexandra Gordonova 17/20
Arianna Scroccaro 19/20
Andrey Shoor 18/20
Dear students! I am so very grateful to you for the great job you are doing! I feel I have become twice as knowledgeable and intelligent as I was before working on this QUIZ TASK with you!
Your progress with the final project:
The ANSWER SHEETS are supposed to be the comprehensive answers to ALL your questions with brief explanations. In case of multiple choice questions you need to justify the choice. In case of an open answer please give a brief sample answer. It is highly desirable to give the sources. All this should be formatted in a word document with a single font / font size and correct numeration corresponding to your sets of questions.
Yours, JL
Arianna Scroccaro 100% оценка отлично
Anna Perepelitsyna 100% оценка отлично
Olesya Goldina 100% оценка отлично
Julia Ogorodova 100% оценка отлично
Alexandra Gordonova 100% оценка отлично
Maria Gorshenina 100% оценка отлично
Damian Ogorodov 100% оценка отлично
Martina Bergamaschi 100% оценка отлично
Anna Manchenkova — 100% оценка отлично
Aleksandra Bednenko — 100% оценка отлично
Dmitry Lyukmanov — работа не завершена
Dmity Efimov — 100% оценка отлично
Andrey Shour — работа не завершена
One of our students has just been caught red-handed CHEATING and PLAGIARIZING. In fact this person has just copied a number of quiz questions from a well-known trivia quiz site. I find such an approach absolutely unacceptable and this person is very likely to be punished. As a result, I will have to ask our department secretary to check ALL your projects for plagiarism, though I am sure you don’t want to cheat. Please avoid this slippery road!
Your Tutor
Let’s Live, Not Die
Your video presentations
Many people are more likely to retain information seen in a video than read in a boring text.
Videos are very helpful for conveying whatever message you want to share.
There are also many perks for launching videos as blog entries. Videos for one are very easy to share. It is easier to convince people to watch a video right on their social media pages than to get them to open a link and read a long text in a separate web page.
In fact, this type of medium is so pervasive in the Internet these days that anyone who is comfortable and eloquent when speaking should try it.
Videos are the ideal mediums for selling your expertise and knowledge when it comes to how-to procedures, like cooking, DIY arts and crafts, decorating, and the like. Videos in education are just unrivaled.
You still have to do some writing. Yes, you’re creating visual content and you don’t need to publish paragraphs, but visual content is content nonetheless. You still need to plan the intro, the body, and the conclusion. Even if you memorize it, the fact of the matter is you need material to memorize—and that means written content.
Speaking of content, most people even write out the entire script of the video instead of extemporaneously speaking at a camera, unless if they are absolute experts in their respective fields that they don’t need any cue cards or idiot boards. It’s safer to have at least a guide in front of you because you can be sure that you don’t leave out important points of what you’re talking about.
If you’re planning to appear on the camera, it won’t hurt to practice in front of a mirror. Also practice modulating your voice and speaking clearly.
What your audience will see in the background does count too. Your little brother playing with his Lego or your room in a mess will not earn you brownie points!
Don’t make your videos too long. Five minutes is actually a lifetime already, unless if you’re producing lecture videos.
Last but not least, you must have a decent camera to take videos with. People will always appreciate high-quality videos, but you don’t really have to make your clip an expensive production. A decent camera that will register a clear and crisp video will do.
CORRECTIONAL LABOUR: Дмитрий Ефимов, Анна Перепелицына, Андрей Щур — самостоятельная работа. Обработка статей и подготовка учебных материалов к очередному уроку по образцу и
Unit 9. A Learning curve

DISCUSSION: The things they didn’t teach you at school. Read up to the end all the pieces of Bill Gates’ advice. Be ready to comment on each peice.
LISTENING: Happy days at school? (Textbook ex 9.1 A and B)
Study the following study pack created by your bright group-mate Andrey.
Do all the exercises and be ready for an extended discussion.