September 2013
3 September 2013
Initial meeting

In class:
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
geting acquaintedmaking a list of group members
- our co-operation pricilples:
- mutual respect (don’t be silent but don’t hush others down)
- good attendance,
- stay tuned,always keep notes,
- work in class and at home, it’s a continual prosess
- learn a language and learn to learn a language
- meet deadlines, go digital @
- welcome to advanced learning technologies: our group’s wiki, personal wikies, voxopop, etc
- students as teachers (collaboration in educational projects)
Unit 6. See the world!
Exchanging the stories of your travel experiences.
6.1 B (vocabulary)
Home assignment:
1) Write your own description of your favourite place in the world taking ex. 6.1.B as an example.
2) Study the vocabulary from 6.1C.
3) Reading. 6.2 A,B,C- Follow the instructions in the book.
6 September 2013
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
VOCABULARY — blackboard game based on ex 6C
GRAMMAR — 6.3 The ways to talk about the Future
Practice — Dialogues (Future Plans)
DISCUSSION — Visitors in Russia
READING — 6.2 be ready to discuss the story.
6.3 A and B
6.4 A B
Watch the following episodes from a famours BBC documentary series «An Idiot Abroad».
Be ready to discuss the culture shock that Karl encountered in Russia.
IWhat are the reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals? Give your reasons
Russian Taxi
On the train
Best bits of Karl’s journey in Russia (don’t miss!)
**10 September 2013**
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
DISCUSSION: «Yorum story» — The lack of language mastery makes contacts difficult
DISCUSSION: «An Idiot Abroad» — the culture shock that foreigners might encounter in Russia. The reasons for major misunderstanding between foreigners and locals.

WRITING: Survival tips for visitors
VOCABULARY: Section 6.4
Home assignment:
REVISION: Section 6.3 — The Future
VOCABULARY: Section 6.9; learn the words and expressions from section 6.4
LISTENING: — Sorry, due to the techincal problem this task was not uploaded in time. We will do it during our classroom work.
13 September 2013
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
VOCABULARY QUIZ based on Section 6.4
LISTENING: 20 tips: How to travel on the cheap
GRAMMAR — 6.3 The ways to talk about the Future
VOCABULARY: 6.9 Verbs and Idioms
Home Assignment
Project writing. Consult Section 6.6.1 and and do task 6 B 2 (250-300 words)
Make it look like a 1-page leaflet with pictures and attractive fonts. Print out and bring in class.
READING and PRESENTATION. Look through online libraries and find a short story of a world-known author — devoted to travelling. Upload the link to our virtual classroom with a short reference. Be ready to retell this story in class.
24 September 2013
Unit 6. See the world!
In class:
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, , Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня,
Не явились без уважительной причины: Манухина Аня, Роднова Ксения
VOCABULARY: Travel — useful words and phrases build-up
TRAVEL QUOTES QUIZ — UNPREPARED SPEECH «What did the author mean?»
IT LITERACY SKILLS: Adding your links on site in WikiSpaces
READING and PRESENTATION: Famous authors on Travel
GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: Translation quiz result
PROJECT MAKING — Your Leaflets on the sights of Russia
Home assignment:
1) Upload your reading links on our USEFUL LINKS page — the way you were taught.
2) Unit 7. Spending your money
VOCABULARY 7.1 B — check all the words with the dictionary
7.2. Grammar and Reading — Read the texts and fill in the prepositions
DEBTS! I am still loking forward to your presentations on travel!
LISTENING: Watch this video to build up your vocabulary!
**27 September 2013**
Unit 7. Spending your money
Attendance: Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
Absent: Иванцов Роман, Кошелева Лиза
In class:
Checking your reading links on our USEFUL LINKS page — the way you were taught.
DEBTS! I am still loking forward to your presentations on travel!
Money. Key words and expressions. Download here.
Also watch the following video introducing some MONEY IDIOMS
VOCABULARY: 7.1 A and B — vocabulary work and group discussions.
7.2. Grammar and Reading — Read the texts and fill in the prepositions
Watch the video and write down some useful words and expressions.
Home assignment:
GRAMMAR: Section 7.4 (prepositions, tenses, topics for discussion)
READING: Read the article and summarise the comments below it: Bank of England planning to introduce plastic notes which last six times longer than paper.
READING AND DISCUSSION: Read the following text. Write down useful vocabulary. Be ready to discuss each point:
The man who lives without money
LISTENING: Listen to the following dialogues — MONEY ADVICE1 and MONEY ADVICE2 and do the tasks below:
Listen to Track 1. What is the best answer?
Don wants to:
a learn how to invest money.
b talk about how to pay his debts.
c find out how to make more money.
d manage his money better.
Listen to Track 2 and complete the advisor’s notes.
Spends now | Ways to save |
Spends $ per week on food.
Goes to _ four times a week. Spends _ on rent. Buys a week. Goes to the movies _a week. Eats in the _. |
Shop at _. Go a week. Maybe find somewhere cheaper. Only buy one. Go . Make a at home. |
Listen to Tracks 1 and 2 again. Complete these sentences with the words you hear.
a) I’m not a big …………….. but I just can’t seem to make ends meet.
b) I’m an English Lit …………………., so I have a lot of work.
c) Hmm. That’s a ……., isn’t it?
d) You’re going to have to make a ………………………….. .
e) whatever you spend your money on — your ……………….. .
f) And then on the other side, you write down what you could change and ……………………. on to save money.
g) How much money do you spend on …………….. per week?
h) It ……………….. from one week to the next, but I’d guess about $100.
i) They often have good prices and ………………………….. .
j) … and try to share the expenses with your …………………………. .
October 2013
**1 October 2013**
Unit 7. Spending your money
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Роднова Ксения
In class:
VOCABULARY: Word use — ex 7.1 B
READING: Brief summary of the article Bank of England planning to introduce plastic notes which last six times longer than paper.
READING AND DISCUSSION: The man who lives without money
Optional task — WRITING a gist- summing up the content of the article in up to 100 words.
VOCABULARY: Money vocabulary quiz — interactive task
LISTENING: Checking the listening task (see Home assignment on 24 September)
GRAMMAR and discussion: 7.4 A, B, C
Home assignment:
Write an essay (300 words) on ONE of the following topics: «The way people do their shopping has changed drastically over the last 10 years.» or «The shops of the future».
Please don’t plagiarize from the Internet! I’ll see it at once. Make good use of your active vocabulary.
Sections 7.7 and 7.8
4 October 2013
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING

In class:
MONEY VOCAB QUIZ results: Сахнина (-1), Манухина (-1), Иванцов (-2), Кошелева (-1), Роднова (-7), Семенников (-1)
GIST WRITING results — inadequate — should be re-done!
LEAFLET making results
READING AND DISCUSSION: On Christmas shopping (extract from Bridget Jones Diary)
GRAMMAR — Exercises on the use of gerund
Home Assignment
1) REVISE your SHOPPNG VOCABULARY and get ready for SHOPPNG VOCAB QUIZ (Tuesday at 9.00 at computer class)
2) Find the Interent sourses on gist-writing and write the gist of the article about the man who lifed without money. Watch the size of your paper (about 10 sentences) and don’t miss the major ideas! This paper is to be submitted via e-mail:
See the sample HERE: **GIST WRITING**
3) Make an oral presentation (approx. 2 minutes) on one of the suggested topics.
Be ready to speak in class.
4) Watch the clips on shopping — see Lesson of **11 October 2013**. Be ready to answer the questions.
**11 October 2013**
Unit 7. Spending your money. SHOPPING
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Роднова Ксения
1) What seemed to be Vivian’s problem while she went shopping?
2) Explain why Vivian’s second shopping session was much more successful.
3 ) Why is the customer clearly dissatisfied with such ‘excellent’ service? Have you had a similar experience in shops?
4) Why did the person at the cash register dislike Michelle Pfeiffer’s heroine? What was her vendetta? Have you ever felt the same in shops?
- Settling your academic ‘debts’ — see page NEWSBOARD of our wiki
- DISCUSSION: Your comments on the VIDEOCLIPS on SHOPPING — see above
- Your oral presentations on the subject of shopping (see your Home Assignment)
- GRAMMAR — The gerund, compound nouns. DOWNLOAD PRINTOUTS HERE: 1 2 3 4
- Role play: «Shopaholic on the loose»
Home assignment:
Revise the material and send in all your missing papers by Friday, 11 October
15 October 2013
In class:
Индивидуальная работа студентов
Работа с преподавателем — разбор «типичных» ошибок
Home assignment
Unit 8 section 8.1
22 October 2013
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Сальникова Маша, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
Absent: Семенников Саша, Иванцов Роман
In class:

Discussing the principles of making a good speech.
Students’ 2-minute speeches
Useful links:
Newspapers for the learners of English
1 ) — The Learning Edge — потрясающая интерактивная газета специально для изучающих английский как иностранный. Все статьи озвучены носителями, текст окрашивается синим, когда speaker его произносит. К каждой статье есть упражнения. Газета рассчитана для уровней Beginner — Pre-Intermediate (включительно).
2 ) — Adult Learning Activities — сайт с озвученными статьями от калифорнийского проекта дистанционного обучения. Статьи разбиты по рубрикам. Созданы для уровней Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate. После каждой статьи есть интерактивные упражнения на закрепление ключевых слов из статьи и понимание информации.
3 ) .. — Words in the News — проект от BBC Learning English — озвученные статьи, которые можно скачать в mp3 и pdf форматах, с объяснениями слов.
4 ) — сайт про сенсационные новости от Sean Banville с многочисленными, но не интерактивными упражнениями.
5 ) — PBS Newshour EXTRA — новости, специально для уровней Upper-Intermediate и Advanced.
6 ) — новости от Voice of America for learning English. Подойдет для уровня Beginner и начального Elementary.
7 ) — очень короткие статьи для уровней Beginner и Elementary.
1) — статьи с последовательным переводом на русский
2) — видео на английском с субтитрами (нужно нажать «СС») на самые разные темы
3) — New Scientist
4) — the Economist
25 October 2013
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
Absent: Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Рома
In class:

GRAMMAR: Gerund-vs-Infinitive Quiz results
Name | Errors |
Иванцов | 7/25 |
Кошелева | 4/25 |
Роднова | 9/25 |
Сахнина | 0/25 |
Семенников | 1/25 |
Сальникова | 3/25 |
Манухина | 5/25 |
Key Vocabulaty: Section 8.1 B + NEWS and **MEDIA VOCABULARY — STUDY AND LEARN**
NEWSPAPER CLASS: BreakingNews Lesson — Money and Shopping
Home Assignment
GRAMMAR Section 8.2 Modal verbs
READING: Study the texts and be ready to discuss the problems raised in them.:
29 October 2013
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!

Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Роднова Ксения
In class:
GRAMMAR Section 8.2 Modal verbs
DOs and DONTs for visitors to Moscow (by Liza Sachnina)
• You can’t smoke in public places!• You shouldn’t use jungle taxi!
• You needn’t drink vodka if you don’t want to!
• You mustn’t stay all the time in your hotel room!
• You don’t have to give the tips to a waiter if you are not happy with the service!
• You can use the underground as there are signs in English everywhere!
• You should eat most of the offered food if you are a guest, otherwise you may offend the host!• You should visit the Red square! It’s a MUST!
• In public transport you are to give your seat to invalids, elderly people and passengers with children!• You need to pay to visit a museum!
Home Assignment:
A) Listen to the record and do the excersise from textbook Section 8.4
B) Write a 300-word essay on one of the following topics:
Media and Our World
CNN introduced us to 24-hour news. We can follow events in real time anywhere on the globe. Technology allows networks to broadcast from distant points like Bosnia and Rwanda. How has this instant access to news broadened our understanding of the world and global issues? How has this same media limited our understanding of other cultures? How can we be sure we get an accurate picture of world events?
News Just For You
In the not-too-distant future, your newspaper may be delivered electronically — over your television or cable line into a computer — and it will be just the news you want. You can request only local news and sports. You might choose entertainment news and weather. What are the advantages of having your newspaper tailored to your individual desires? What are the disadvantages?
Good Ads or Bad?
Many people see advertising only in a bad light — as a tool that makes people do things they don’t really want to do or buy things they don’t really want or need. Can an ad really convince you to purchase something you don’t really care about? Are there positive kinds of advertising? What about ads that encourage people to vote or to recycle? Could there be ads published «in the public’s interest?»
Checkbook Journalism
Reader interest in celebrities and sensationalism has led to fierce competition between print and electronic news organizations. Some tabloid newspapers and television shows pay individuals for their stories, whether those individuals are celebrities themselves or are connected to a sensational story. Domestic staff and business associates of celebrities accept money to give their stories. How does this practice of «checkbook journalism» affect the accuracy of news coverage?
Photo Makeover
Today, many news photos are prepared on computer screens. Once digitized, a photo can be electronically altered and the change is virtually undetectable. The computer allows the photographer to improve the photo by enhancing the color or altering the contrast, for example. However, the process also allows the photographer to alter the content of the photo. Unacceptable words or images can be removed from a t-shirt or sign in a photo. An individual can be moved from one photograph and placed in another. What guidelines should govern the altering of photographs? At what point should the reader/viewer be informed that a photo has been altered?
Life Without Advertising
Advertising is often portrayed as a negative force in media. Is that true? Imagine your life without any advertising of any kind. No more interruptions in your favorite television show. No distracting billboards along the highway. No pictures of food or clothing interspersed with your daily news. No sample perfumes falling out of your magazine. No pesky direct mail pieces in your mailbox. What strategies will you have to use to get the information previously provided by advertising? How will you learn about new products? How will you know when your favorite music group is appearing in your area? How will you learn about political candidates? What will you do to get comparative information on a CD player or camera? How will you know which department store carries the clothing you need? How will you know which grocery store has the best prices on soft drinks this week? What will you do to get the information you need to make purchasing decisions?
November 2013
1 November 2013
Unit 8. BAD news for you…

Attendance: Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Иванцов Роман, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза, Роднова Ксения
In class:
ВНИМАНИЕ, ВСЕ студенты, проигнорировавшие по разным причинам выполнение задания на уроке будут наказаны.
Посмотреть правильные ответы на это задание можно ЗДЕСЬ.
Errors | |
Иванцов | 2/18 |
Кошелева | 2/18 |
Роднова | неуд |
Сахнина | 1/18 |
Семенников | неуд |
Сальникова | неуд |
Манухина | неуд |
READING AND WRITING A SUMMARY of the text WHAT IS NEWS (kindly presented to you by Tatiana Krasnova, Senior Lecturer of Lomonosov Moscow State University)
VOCABULARY WORK (see your printouts)
8 November 2013
Unit 8. Have I got news for you!
Attendance: Кошелева Лиза, Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Манухина Аня, Сахнина Лиза,Роднова Ксения
Vocabulry work and final discussion on news integrity
Students’ papers results
Textbook exercise 8.12
Unit 9. A Learning curve
Introductory discussion: The things they didn’t teach you at school.
READING: Read up to the end all the pieces of Bill Gates’ advice. Be ready to comment on each peice.
LISTENING: Happy days at school? (Textbook ex 9.1 A and B) WARNING! It might not work on Ipad — use your desktop or laptop.
VOCABULARY: 8.12 and 9.1 C
12 November 2013
Unit 9. A Learning curve

Class 1
Introductory discussion: The things they didn’t teach you at school.
Read up to the end all the pieces of Bill Gates’ advice. Be ready to comment on each peice.
LISTENING: Happy days at school? (Textbook ex 9.1 A and B)
WARNING! It might not work on Ipad — use your desktop or laptop.
VOCABULARY: 8.12 and 9.1 C
Class 2
«Is Internet Cheating Really Cute?» (Integrity in education). Download the files below:
- Download
- 114 KB
Home assignment
Learn the vocabulry from the study pack on CHEATING AND INTEGRITY
Render the newspaper article «В последнее время использование…» into English — in writing
Translate the final text of the study pack into Russian — in writing.
Read **THE SELECTION OF ARTICLES** on the subject and write a short summary for each of them (in your notebook) . Pick up the key vocabulary.
19 November 2013
Unit 9. A Learning curve
In class:
Class 1
TALKING: Your accounts of the Friday trip (make use of the phrasal verbs BRING and GET (ex 8.12)
BLACKBOARD GAME: Checking the vocabulry from the study pack on CHEATING AND INTEGRITY
Home Assignment:
ARTICLE — Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful?
Read **THE SELECTION OF ARTICLES** on the subject and write a short summary for each of them (in your notebook) . Pick up the key vocabulary.
21 November 2013
Unit 9. A Learning curve

TRANSLATION:Render the newspaper article «В последнее время использование…» into English — in writing
Translate the final text of the study pack into Russian — in writing.
Show the teacher your summaries on **THE SELECTION OF ARTICLES**
ORAL PRESENTATION: Sum up the problem of cheating from a Student’s / Teacher’s point of view/
NESPAPER ARTICLE — Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful?
Home Assignment:
December 2013
3 December 2013
6 December 2013
Unit 16. Look After yourself
Attendance: Семенников Саша, Сальникова Маша, Манухина Аня, Новикова Аня, Роднова Ксения
Sick: Сахнина Лиза, Иванцов Роман
Excused: Кошелева Лиза
VOCABULARY revision (Topic Education)
16.1 DISCUSSION — Are the authors of the tips for healthy living doctors or quacks?
Home Assignment:
Watch the video and answer the questions below:
What can you say about the patient judging by her looks?
Describe the examination the doctor has given her.
What health problems did he discover?
Why did the doctor finally run away in horror?
Study the vocabulary on the topic of Health and Illness. Be ready to translate each expression and the text below:
Health and illness
Study the ‘case history’ below.
A) ‘You’re in perfect health… as fit as a fiddle … there’s nothing wrong with you.’
‘I feel a bit off-colour … rather under the weather… I do feel funny… I really don’t feel well… I think I’m sickening for something … I feel feverish … ‘
B) ‘He’s been taken ill… he’s in a coma… fighting for his life … still critically ill… in a very critical condition … no change … still seriously ill… still hasn’t regained consciousness …
C) ‘He’s no better … he’s getting worse … his condition is deteriorating … he’s getting weaker … he’s slipping away … fading fast… his life is hanging by a thread … it’s just a matter of time … he could go at any second!’
D)is responding to treatment… off the danger list… making progress … his condition is satisfactory … he’s come out of the coma…. he’s turned the corner … he’s on the mend.’
E) ‘We all wish you a speedy recovery … get well soon … we’re glad you’re over it.’
F) ‘The worst is over … he’s almost completely recovered … he’s practically cured … he’s coming along nicely … he’ll be on his feet again soon … he’ll be out and about again in a few days.’
G) ‘He’s made a miraculous recovery … he’s as good as new … as right as rain … he’ll live till he’s a hundred.’
After all that, do you feel well enough to read on? Note the ways that vocabulary is applied in the text below.
Examination Fever
For most of the year, most of us had been allergic to work; apparently there had been a history of such allergies in the school.
Throughout the spring there had been quite a few cases of ‘Exams are stupid’, which proved highly contagious among friends.
Then in late May, one or two of us suffered a mild attack of ‘Gosh, is it really next month?’ and we seemed to give that to the others rather rapidly. You could tell how it was spreading from improved attendance at lessons.
An even more serious outbreak was that of the very infectious ‘I don’t know a thing’ two weeks before. At about the same time everyone seemed to catch‘You’re no good!’ from the teachers. Then there was about “don’t really care” followed by a few chronic cases of ‘My parents will kill me’. This again proved very catching; half the class was down with it in the week leading up to the exam itself, and it had reached epidemic proportions by the Friday before.
By this time, those who had been suffering from ‘It’ll be easy for me’ had made a total recovery.
That Friday there was a ‘What if I’m suffering from amnesia?’ scare, and this had developed by Monday into a touch of I can’t even remember my own name’.
There were also, of course, the normal isolated cases of ‘My pen doesn’t work’ and several pupils had a sudden fit of ‘Where’s the toilet?’
Afterwards there were a couple of complaints of I know I’ve failed’, but generally the worst seemed to be over. Such diseases are rarely terminal!
10 December 2013
13 December 2013
Dear studetns!
Today you are writing your final test based on the material we have managed to cover together. My aim as your tutor is to give you a chance to check your own knowledge of the KEY VOCABULARY on the issues related to EDUCATION, TRAVEL, MASS MEDIA and MONEY. Also you will have a chance to practice your mastery on GERUND AND INFINITIVE and talking about THE FUTURE in English.

Group MKK4 2013 FINAL TEST
Part 1. Give definitions or synonyms to the following words and expressions.
- non-refundable ticket
- to travel off the beaten track
- tourist attractions
- articles of value
- B&B
- to have exhilarating experience
- editorial
- breaking news
- checkbook journalism
- sandwich course
- postgraduate student
Part 2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
- Мой совет путешественнику таков: путешествуй налегке, не упускай шанс расширить свой кругозор, и помни слова Конфуция о том, что важно путешествие, а не пункт назначения.
- Помоги мне найти хорошего турагента: хочу заказать себе отпуск по системе «все включено», Говорят, таким образом можно сэкономить на дорожных расходах, потому что перелет, гостиницы, развлечения обойдутся в гораздо меньшую сумму.
- Если ты опытный покупатель и знаешь потребительские законы, у тебя не будет проблем с тем, чтобы потребовать возврата денег за некачественный товар или попросить скидку в магазине в период распродаж.
- Марк Бойл, человек без доходов и счета в банке который смог прожить год не получив и не потратив ни единого цента, утверждает, что настоящая бедность – бедность духовная и что нужно положить конец современному обществу потребления.
- Извини, я не могу, как ты сорить деньгами, ведь я с трудом зарабатываю себе на жизнь и еще недавно едва сводил концы с концами. А ты, если будешь играть в азартные игры, очень скоро разоришься и попадешь в долги.
- Опрос, проведенный в Великобритании, показал, что люди совсем не интересуются последними событиями и политическими новостями, зато они ежедневно смотрят мыльные оперы и риэлити шоу. Как показал опрос, Публика без ума от подробностей жизни знаменитостей, которые печатают популярные газеты. А серьезная пресса, в которой не найти репортажей о звездах и ярких рекламных объявлений нужна кажется только клеркам из Сити.
- Маргарет в своем рассказе о школьных годах говорит о своих любимых предметах, отношениях с одноклассниками и о том, как ее доставали и запугивализлобные учителя.
- Проблема в том, что студенты не хотят писать работы самостоятельно, а, жалуясь на загруженность после занятий и нехватку времени, «сгружают» уже готовые работы со специальных интернетовских сайтов. Специалисты утверждают, что, расцветая пышным цветом такая практика подрывает азы образования. Как же удержать студентов от списывания, плагиата и недобросовестной компиляции?
Part 4. GRAMMAR. Expressing the Future
a) Fill the gaps with the verbs used in the appropriate form:
- We ………. dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (have)
- After you ………….a nap, you ………… lot better. (take), (feel)
- Don’t come to me at lunch time. I ………….. my favourite television programme then. (watch)
- If you arrive late to the party, the best food ……………. (go)
- I ………………. Maria tomorrow. I wonder if she ……………… me. (see) (recognize)
- Downing Street announced this morning that the Prime Minister …………………to Washington this evening for urgent talks about the current crisis. (be to fly)
- We t…………….he house by the end of the month. (construct)
b) Fill the gaps with the appropriate verb:
There was an ice rain last night – now you ………….. a problem with ……………. your car.
I could help you out last time but I am afraid if you ………….me again I ………………. to help you again.
Part 5. GRAMMAR. Gerund and Infinitive
a) Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the Infinitive.
- I am not accustomed ……………under pressure. (work)
- You were fortunate ……………tickets for the concert. I heard they are already sold out! (get)
- Sheryl forgot ………………her purse, so I lent her ten dollars. (bring)
- I completely forgot ………………… here when I was a kid. But now I remember! (come)
- Lydia really regrets ………………… out of high school. She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision. (drop)
- I regret …………….. you that Mr. Smith has passed away. (tell)
- I dread ………….. of what might happen next. (think)
- She stopped ……………., closed the book, and turned off the light.(read)
- I dread ……………. to work tomorrow. I think I’m going to call in sick. (go)
- Vince is determined …………. enough money to South Africa next year. If he avoids ……………..his money and manages …………quite a sum ………….the trip, he plans on ……………. in June. (save, travel, waste, earn, make, leave)
b) Fill the gaps with the appropriate verb
- Simone and Michael discussed …………….. to Tahiti on their honeymoon, but they had very different opinions about ……………. such an expensive destination. Michael said that after such a costly wedding, he couldn’t afford ………………. so much money on a vacation. Simone defended ………….to Tahiti by ……………that a honeymoon is a once in a lifetime experience.
- Jack’s interest in …………….foreign languages is a major factor in his …………….decision ………….. to China. One of his life-long goals is ……………. Chinese fluently. Chinese will be quite a challenge, but …………….in China should enable him …………..his goal of ………….._ the language more effectively.
Part 6. GRAMMAR. Had Better and Would Rather
You know, I_______________ you didn't smoke in front of the kids. You_______________ take insect repellant if you're camping near a lake. I ____________ lie than hurt you – such is my approach.</span> Toni **______________** buy a newspaper so he can read what they say about him.
I **____________** go to the supermarket on Friday mornings because it is not that crowded.
They_______________ have everything ready for when our clients arrive or I’ll skin them alive.
17 December 2013

Dear students!
You have written your final test based on the material we have managed to cover together. My aim as your tutor was to give you a chance to check your own knowledge of the KEY VOCABULARY on the issues related to EDUCATION, TRAVEL, MASS MEDIA and MONEY. Also you had a chance to practice your mastery on GERUND AND INFINITIVE and talking about THE FUTURE in English.
Here are some general notes on how to improve your academic performance in the future.
1) Learn the KEY VOCABULARY! Damn learn it by heart without trying to say or write «something of a kind». If you don’t your English will be that of a 5th grade schoolkid!
2) Learn to write good DEFINITIONS.
- Here are a few ideas to make your definitions as helpful and as powerful as they should be.
- One good way to go about is to consider how you would explain this word to a small child or a person who is just beginning to speak the language.
- Avoid using descriptive words that are more complicated than the word in question.
- Don’t use the word itself or forms of the word in the definition or to create «circular definitions» like “Patriotism is the quality of being a patriot.”
- Definition by metaphor is not a logical definition, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” can convey something true, but it does’nt do the work of a definition, which is to tell us what patriotism is.
Write the definition in the typical style of a dictionary. Phrases such as «This word is used to…» or «Describes a situation in which…» may help to get you started. - Think of synonyms. Some of these can go into the definition, if they are appropriate.
- Write the definition so that it matches the part of speech. Verb definitions will contain many verbs; noun definitions, many nouns.
- Most verb definitions will begin with the word «to». For instance, a definition for the verb «pause» might read, «To stop briefly or temporarily; to interrupt a process or activity and later resume it.»
Noun definitions may begin with the words «a», «an» or «the». For example, ATTRACTION — something that attracts or is intended to attract people by appealing to their desires and tastes; EDITORIAL — a newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editors or publishers; POSTGRADUATE — a student who continues to study for an advanced degree after earning a bachelor’s degree or other first degree. - NEVER start your definition with «it is when….»
- READ your definition and make sure that it agrees with the word and the sense you are trying to define.
February 2014
10 February 2014

Dear Friends, welcome back to our course!To give us some time to get back to normal I suggest that we should have a «talking session» at our first class this year.
We shall discuss the issues of Sport as related to healthy lifestyle.
Be ready to render into English the words of a Russian journalist. Think of your own arguments to support or oppose this approach.
«Спорт высоких достижений давно не имеет ничего общего со «в здоровом теле — здоровый дух». Куда чаще он опирается на достижения фармакологии, и изнурительные многочасовые тренировки не оставляют спортсмену времени на умственное и духовное развитие. Физическая сноровка — это то, в чем животный мир всегда превзойдет человека. Сколько бы мы ни прыгали в высоту, чемпионом в прыжках в высоту, относительно длины собственного тела, останется блоха. Единственное, что достойно пропаганды и рекламы, так это достижения в том, что делает человека человеком — а именно в разуме и в духе.»
Юлия Латынина
Also, you will scan-read some newspaper articles covering the World perception of Sochi Olympics. We are going to discuss them too.
Sochi opening ceremony.docx
- Download (18 KB)
Putin declares Sochi Winter Olympics open at captivating ceremony.docx
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Olympics open in Sochi with extravagant pageant.docx
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Winter Olympics 2014.docx
- Download (16 KB)
17 February 2014
UNIT 16. Look after yourself

DISCUSSION: Sochi Olympics in the eyes of strangers — based on the NP articles (see the previous class)
Find and bring in class a newspaper article devoted to the contemporary issues related to health and ilnesses. Make sure the article can interest the audience. Be ready to present the ideas and facts from the article in class.
20 February 2014
UNIT 16. Look after yourself

DISCUSSION: Sochi Olympics in the eyes of strangers — based on the NP articles (see the previous class)
PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenting your newspaper articles devoted to the contemporary issues related to health and ilnesses. The ‘audience’ will not be idle and students should come up with questions based on what they hear.
Home assignment
VOCABULARY Ex.16.5 of your texbook — word-building, 16.7 B C D and 16.12
Revise the key expressions from the QUIZ
24 February 2014
UNIT 16. Look after yourself

PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenting your newspaper articles devoted to the contemporary issues related to health and ilnesses. The ‘audience’ will not be idle and students should come up with questions based on what they hear.
VOCABULARY: Ex.16.5 of your texbook — word-building,
16.7 B C D and 16.12
1) WRITING: Write an essay following the task in exercise 16.8 A
2) Study carefully the lesson from breakingnewsenglish lesson pool .Download the lesson on your tablet if possible.
Night work could damage your health
Pay special attention to the types of exercises provided on this page.
Which exercises do you consider to be useful for improving one’s reading/listening/speaking skills?
Don’t fail to study this material as at the lesson you will be creating an English lesson plan YOURSELF, using the breakingnews pages as a sample.
3) Listen carefully to the dialoge JENNY’S HEALTH PROBLEM
Write down in your notebook ALL the words and expressions related to the topic HEALTH AND ILLNESS

27 February 2014
UNIT 16. Look after yourself
WRITING: essay results (so far I have received only 2 of them!)
Breakingnewsenglish lesson Night work could damage your health
Examining the types of exercises provided for improving one’s reading/listening/speaking skills.
Making a study-pack JENNY’S HEALTH PROBLEM
Vocabulary: Solving the tasks of the Internet Language Contest Food for Thought
Home assignment:
a) Finish up the study packs JENNY’S HEALTH PROBLEM — One set of materials from each pair of students.
A compact 2-3-page kit with all the exercises before listening, while listening and after it.
Sample: 2-page lesson plan
Make a good design with a small picture/pictures.
Don’t forget about good page layout!
Include different types of activities.
Make a logical chain of activities.
Carefuly phrase the text of each task. Make it clear and easy to follow.
Design good vocabulary exercises!
Print out and bring in class! Also send them in.
b) Study the sample tasks and solve the tasks of the Food For Thought Contest — Round 2
March 2014
6 March 2014
UNIT 5. Food for Thought
Vocabulary: Solving the tasks of the Internet Language Contest Food for Thought
LISTENING: The ways people enjoy eating out. Listen carefully and write down key words and expressions.
Students’s creative work
Funny ads:
«The more creative and unusual things are the more popular and eye-catching they will be».
We invite you to take part in our special «Sea Bizzard Festival»in Vietnam. Believe it or not,every year you can come to the luxurious hotel SHERATON VIETNAM RESORT and spend a whole day free of charge hunting for different fishes, especially huge black sharks.
Follow your hunting instinct! And if you manage it, the best chefs of the world will prepare your loot according to the traditions of the European or Eastern cuisine!
What sauce and ingredients to choose — will be only your choice! Just be patient and fearless!
People from all countries come to us twice a year to watch this enchanting show!
Don’t miss a chance to see it with your own eyes!
(By Mary Salnikova)

Another Bizarre Food Festival
All of us in our childhood have put in mouth odd pieces of paper, beads, perhaps even some toys? Almost anybone may recall havong tasted such unusuall treats. If you cannot remember anything like that, don’t worry! And be happy, as students of MSU are holding a YammyToys Festival this spring. The bizarre fest is to take place in Moscow on the 1st of April. Come to Vorob’yovi Gori and explore a whole new world of inedible things that once a year become a tasty trend! Want to sample a Barbie with beads garnish or paper ragu’ with ketchup or, maybe, finely chopped pencils? The doors of the YammyToysFest are open for curious guests!
(By Liza Sakchnina)

20 March 2014
UNIT 5. Food for Thought
In class: Texbook work
5.1 B1 — types of food
5.1 B2 Discussion. Designing your birthday party menu
5.2 Reading (Feel Free to Protest)
Discussion — can complaining about the quality of food and service do you any good?
5.4 A. C Grammar. Passive voice revision
Home assignment:
1) Read the real-life complaint written by the dissatisfied customer. Study the key words and pay attention to the style.
Write a REPLY to this complaint on behlaf of the restaurant’s management.
Explain IN DETAIL the reasons of the bad service and poor food quality.
Mention the measures that will be taken to resolve the problem and the benefits you are ready to give the clients to make them happy.
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2) Write at least ONE olympiade question (see the tasks of FOOD FOR THOUGHT CONTEST) that would involve an interesting story befind some kind of food, resraurant or a tradition.The answer should not be easily googled.
3) Learn the words and expressions connected with cooking as well as food idioms.
24 March 2014
UNIT 5. Food for Thought
In class:
1) Creative work. Checking at least ONE olympiad question (see the tasks of FOOD FOR THOUGHT CONTEST) that would involve an interesting story befind some kind of food, resraurant or a tradition.The answer should not be easily googled.

2) Writing. Checking a REPLY to the real-life complaint written by the dissatisfied customer. It should contain the detailed explanation of the reasons of the bad service and poor food quality. It should mention the measures that will be taken to resolve the problem and the benefits given to the clients to make them happy.
See if you have managed to write a good reply along the following sample lines:
How to Respond to Restaurant Complaint Letters
Sample apology letters
Dear Sir, or Dear Mr Doe,
I am so sorry that you were treated unhappily in my restaurant. I am trying hard to teach my staff that our customers are most important to the success of our restaurant. So, please come back and let us show you how well we can treat you. Give us another chance.
We offer you and your partner a complimentary glass of house wine when you next visit. Please let it be soon.
Yours sincerely,
Betty Bestcook, the Manager, owner.
Dear Mr and Mrs Doe,
I learnt that you had an opportunity to visit our restaurant recently and you were not too happy with the service and food we provide.
Please read my letter of apologies and some explanations:
First of all, it is obvious that we can’t satisfy everyone who drops in. It is too difficult “to run the hare and hunt the hounds”. I can’t agree that our food is so disgusting that you couldn’t even eat it, and by the way it is not junk food at all. I am really surprised to learn that you remembered your visit to us as a bad experience!
Secondly, I must admit that our restaurant doesn’t always provide high standard of food and service. We have many chefs and we can’t control whether they cook with passion and love for you or not. I would also like to add that much depends on their mood on a particular day.
Also, you happened to come in time when we had a lot of visitors ready to eat everything which we might offer only to fill their stomach. Our restaurant is a cheap place and we can’t take up too many members of staff as it might cost us a lot to pay for their work. Sometimes there is no one to wash all the tables and to make new menus…
It is very important for us to be visited by people and make money, but it is also important not to get such complaints as yours. Do you know that diners still come to us again and again despite the fact that ‘our place is not worth visiting’?
As a manager of our restaurant, I would like to say that I can see no need to bring some great changes. I am sure that people will come anyway and we won’t lose our money and good fame.
At any rate, thanks for your letter and have a good life!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Mary Salnikova,
tmanager of the Conch Flitters
3) VOCABULARY: the words and expressions connected with cooking, food idioms. Speaking about your favourite recepies.
4) Designing a menu for a:

— romantic dinner
— business lunch with an important guest
— a stand-up meal for your mates in an international student project
Home assignment:
Do a research of your own to find out everything possible about Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. Be ready to speak about this project in detail.
31 March 2014
UNIT 5. Food for Thought
In class:
1) Creative work. BROADCAST YOURSELF!
Dear friends! Please watch an example of a successful presentation made by my pen-friend fron the USA.
Jim is NOT a professional TV person. He just has something to say and he knows HOW to do it. He can make ANY idea sound persuasive and credible. It is not just WHAT he says, but HOW he speaks! Please have a look!
Making a video presentation on an urgent global issue related to food, diet, restaurant industry, etc
Each project should include
— a catching title
— a motto
— the description of the roots of the problem
— a statement describing the solution to the problem
— supporting statistics
— supporting examples
— future prospects
— a call for funding/participation
* the videos will be recorded in class and uploaded on a YouTube channel with a further possibility of editing.
2) Unit 5 (Bon Appetit!) Progress Test

April 2014
3 April 2014
UNIT 5. Food for Thought
In class:
Test paper on Unit 5
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UNIT 4. Let’s Talk
English weather-speak
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The Importance of Not Being Earnest
- Download (15 KB)
Too much of a good thing!
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Emerging Talk-Rules: The Mobile Phone
- Download (17 KB)
14 April 2014
UNIT 4. Let’s Talk

1)Too much of a good thing! (About the English Understatement)
2) Emerging Talk-Rules: The Mobile Phone
Home Assignment:
1) Listen and read
George Mikes on English Understatement:
The English have no soul; they have the understatement instead. If a continental youth wants to declare his love to a girl, he kneels down, tells her that she is the sweetest, the most charming and ravishing person in the world, that she has something in her, something peculiar and individual which only a few hundred thousand other women have and that he would be unable to live one more minute without her. Often, to give a little more emphasis to the statement, he shoots himself on the spot. This is a normal, week-day declaration of love in the more temperamental continental countries. In England the boy pats his adored one on the back and says softly: 1 don’t object to you, you know.’ If he is quite mad with passion, he may add: ‘I rather fancy you, in fact.’ If he wants to marry a girl, he says:I say . . . would you? . . .’
2) EXPRESSING YOURSELF Read the text and do the exercises.
3) COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS: Watch the video IN ENGLISH in Vkontakte and study the TASK KIT HERE
ATTENTION! Below there are only smaller clips, you must watch the whole 30 min episode!
There is too much butter on those trays!
You know nothing!
17 April 2014
UNIT 4. Let’s Talk
In class:
Part 1
1) DISCUSSION. Mobile phone talk rules
2) Dos and Don’ts for effective mobile communication
3) TRANSLATION. George Mikes on English Understatement
4) HOME READING. Express yourself. Text and vocabulary ex.
5) LANGUAGE PRACTICE. Making speeches and dialogues.
— best men’s speech
— 2 teachers discussing the students’ manner of talking at the exam.
— 2 students discussing their lecturer’s manner of presentation
(By Liza Sachnina)
Dear friends… and enemies, acquaintances and strangers!
I’m truly honoured to be the best man at this wedding. It’s the first time I have been awarded this kind of title. And I want to thank all the people who have supported me on the way to the success. Mommy, I love you! I’m extremely happy that, finally, my achievements and personal qualities have been estimated at their true worth, and I’ve been called the BEST man.
But enough talking about myself. Now I need to say something intriguing about the bridegroom. Err, what can I say? Well, to be honest, I don’t know this guy. You see, we’ve known each other only for ten years. And that is such a short time! Most of our meetings I don’t remember. The only thing that reminded me that I was seeing someone the day before, was my terrible hangover. Though, while being in clear mind (both Ben and I), I’ve learned that this funny guy is a great friend who can always give me a hand at tough times.
I’m sure, he’ll make a good, faithful husband. As for Sussy, I assume she’ll manage to drive him under her heel very fast. But, Ben, don’t worry! I’ll always be there, so that you could cry on my shoulder.
Now, speaking seriously, I won’t wish you guys happiness or love, because I can see these now, right in front of my eyes. And I’m confident, that you’ll preserve this love and happiness through all your life. Till death partes you.
Or some lovely chic.
Part 2
home assignment discussion. Fawulty Towers. Communication problems.
21 April 2014
UNIT 4. Let’s Talk
In class:
VOCABULARY CHECK: dictation-translation on «Express Yourself»
DISCUSSION: Russian Folk Fairy Tales — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
- Download (16 KB)
What general traits of Russian national characters do Russian tales convey?
‘Unpatriotic’ Snow White Could Have Children’s Math Textbook Banned
Read the article and give your opinion.
Emoticons 😉
Read the article about the origin and the meaning of emoticons. Be ready to answer your teacher’s question and start a discussion on the effective use of emoticons in today’s communication.
See the expert’s view: Smiley, frown and wink face: Are we all victims of a great emoticon trick?
28 April 2014
Dear friends! Thank you for your well-done jobs on «broadcasting yourselves»!
I have seen your videos, and it is now obvious that you have improved your communication and presentation skills a great deal!
All your clips can be found HERE and are now your visible accomplishment ready to use in your CV or further projects.
Using the facts and figures from the follwing sources
Emoticons 😉
Smiley, frown and wink face: Are we all victims of a great emoticon trick?
express your own opinion on the matter. Format: Written essay — 200-250 words. Please send your essays to your tutor
3) PROBLEM-SOLVING: cross-cultural differences and the ways to deal with them.
Study the situations below, try to apply these circumstances to your cultural context. Be ready to discuss these issues and the ways of dealing with them at your EXAM.
May 2014
15 May 2014
UNIT 4. Let’s Talk
The essays are based on the following facts and figures:
Emoticons 😉
Smiley, frown and wink face: Are we all victims of a great emoticon trick?
Roman Ivantsov:
Emotions are our life. People show their attitude to all sort of things with the help of emotions.
Earlier life was much easier, people could communicate with each other only directly, face to face. In the 20th century with the advent of the Internet, communication has become more complicated and diverse. Nowadays it is more comfortable to get in touch with somebody through cell phone or through social networks. In fact it is rather difficult to deliver your main message and some connotations to your interlocutor. Sometimes it becomes really hard to express inflexion of the message without any indicators. These days almost everyone does it by means of emoticons. Each person does it in a particular way. Some use emoticons unduly and off the point. Others use such tools very competently.
However, there are still a few people who don’t resort to emoticons at all. These people construct sentence in such a way that it is not necessary to put in emoticons.
What about my personal attitude? As for me, it is very important not to abuse emoticons and to choose whom you send them to and in which case. I think that people who use emoticons at every turn are not well educated (because of the lack of vocabulary and inability to convey the idea) or very excessively positive persons.
I use smiling faces seldom: in the correspondence with my very close friends or I would rather put some brackets at the end of sentence if I don’t want to write a lot. From my point of view, teenagers now pay too much attention to this phenomenon. It is not right. It is much better to communicate in real life!
Kosheleva Liza:
Are emoticons dumbing us down?
Communication is one of the most vital parts of our everyday life. We want to deliver and to receive some information by using words and sentences, but actually, it’s never enough – to make our message more understandable we show our feelings, our attitude. Obviously, it isn’t difficult while your interlocutor is in front of you – you have the possibility to show you mood non-verbally by posture, gestures, smile, etc. But in our era of cyber technologies, do we always have this opportunity?
I believe that emoticons help us to express our feelings while communicating through technologies. Text message itself doesn’t bring the message that we really want to deliver. For example, you and your friend have had a quarrel. Your friend is asking you “Are you still angry with me?” If you answer “Everything is OK :)”, your friend will be very happy. But if the answer is just “Everything is OK”, it will be quite controversial, your friend might think that you still have something in mind, but you want to pretend that everything is alright. Can you see that just two punctuation marks can change the whole message, situation and maybe even someone’s friendship?
Of course, good things come in small packages. In the same situation with you friend, if you answer is “Everything is OK :))))))))))) : %22” , your friend will probably think that you are so upset with your quarrel that you have gone crazy and right now you are having a panic attack. I believe that all these winks and frowns are not dumbing us down; they just help us to communicate. Nevertheless, enough is enough, and if we want to show our real feelings, without a message “I’m an idiot”, we should not overuse it.
Semennikov Alexander:
Properly conveying one’s emotions during communication, be it verbal or non-verbal, is crucial for mutual understanding. It can be done easily while talking to each other, but showing your feelings while texting someone is hard without emoticons.
For instance, receiving a message “I’m fine.” from your girlfriend doesn’t mean any good news for you, while “I’m fine :)” means that everything is OK. Adding an emoticon can change the whole message while words can stay the same. Not using emoticons at all while having a conversation on the Internet may make people think that something is wrong with you or that you’re trying to look serious and somewhat “professional”, while you really aren’t. Same goes for using emoticons too much, but the effect is quite the opposite. This means that by the way person utilizes emoticons one can even tell what kind of person he or she is.
With everyone having access to SMS, Internet chats, blogs, e-mails and forums in the 21st century, emoticons have become commonly utilized by us all. Emoticons are the essential part of global non-verbal communication and are recognized everywhere. It’s hard to imagine modern informal written communication without smiley faces, winks and frowns, it just doesn’t work out that way. That’s why I believe that emoticons are not dumbing us down at all if they are not overused, they are just a part of our communication culture we can’t manage without 🙂
Maria Salnikova:
As it is said, emoticons are a new type of communication between people, no matter if it is a text message or a note written on paper.
I believe that that it has become a real problem for us to use emoticons all the time so that we can’t imagine our life without them. For example, if somebody writes me without using any emoticons even a simple «smiley», I start to suspect that people are rather rude to me and they can be angry with me for some reasons. But that is not the reality.
Nowadays we have all become addicted to text messages, it is easier to express everything in the emoticons and words, written in our mobile phones, that is why we sometimes look like aliens when we meet together on the streets and we don’t know what to say.
I also think that sometimes emoticons can become a dead point in people’s relationships. And that is only the beginning of destroying communication skills which might lead to “texting” all our feelings and solving our private problems online.
In addition, I would like to say that there is no concrete solution to the problem because it depends only on us whether to live in reality or to send useless emoticons which very often do mean nothing!
Rodnova Ksenya:
Today I would like to say a few words about emoticons. Modern teenagers can’t imagine their correspondence without smiley faces. Moreover, in the 20th century there were writers, who invented this way of correspondence. Is it really useful for people and for me?
To tell the truth, yes, I have the habit of sending smiley faces to friends. When I got connected to the Internet and registered in social networks I was surprised why so many people used strange symbols, like»:)». I used to put it in every sentence. When I grew up a little bit, I realized that it shows that a person is silly. I started to write without mistakes and use grammatically right sentences without emoticons. Sometimes I use this way of chatting because I want to express my emotions on my telephone screen, and you know it is really useful. My friends understand me and can even smile or laugh too.
Anyway, there are some disadvantages of using emoticons. Sometimes young generation can’t distinguish whether emoticons are suitable and on what occasions they can be used. For example, you correspond with an older respectable person and you send him: «Good morning;)». It seems that you haven’t professional approach. But, when your teacher tries to show his friendliness to the student be a note with an emoticon it is always nice.
Manukhina Anna:
It’s difficult to imagine our communication in social networks, messages on mobile phones without smiley faces. It might seem so strange just a few decades ago. Nowadays dialogues are full of emotions.
Personally I am against smiley faces. I think it is useless to chat with the help of such signs. Usually they do not reflect our real emotions. When people respond to a joke with a laughing smiley frequently it does not mean that the person really appreciated that joke. Moreover, when people quarrel with each other in a chat, they do not use emoticons at all. I wonder why people use them. I think the person who invented smiley faces was scared to write something worthwhile.
People use smileys in order to hide their real emotions. If we communicate on the Net we should write about our emotions because smileys are just a stupid resemblance of our feelings. If I were the God of social networks I would make people forget about emoticons.
Victor Pelevin wrote: » Smiley face is like user’s deodorant. When one writes something disgusting and begins to worry whether he or she wrote something good or bad, smiley face will cover your bad words. Everyone wants to be good. » I agree with this statement.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s better to communicate in real life with real people and real emotions.
1) Watch the video to the end more than once. Try to memorize the phrazing. During our class you will be asked to do some Russian-Enlgish translation basing on the video.
2) Study carefully the comments to the video and be ready to
-sum up the public sentiment
-give your own judgement.
James Cordeiro через Google+
We’re a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people.
~ Great video 🙂
Michael Meade · Top commenter · West Orange High School (Winter Garden, Florida)
Meh…I agree to an extent, there is a time and place for Social Media. Just like ANYTHING in life, MODERATION is key.
Video Games, Work, Drugs/Alcohol, Social interaction even…its never good when that’s ALL YOU DO, you have to have to mix it up, and you have to use it in moderation or it will burn you out or even harm you. You’ll create habits and then blame the item yourself saying its the items fault.
I’m sick of people always looking at the problem is the ITEM, when it never is.
Alcohol doesn’t Say «HEY MAN! PICK ME UP! DRINK ME!»
Cigarettes don’t yell out and force your hand saying «HEY! PICK ME UP! SMOKE ME!»
Video games don’t turn on by themselves and toss the controller in your hand.
Social Media doesn’t automatically turn on your phone and type the message for you.
Stop blaming the item and start blaming the people using them when it goes too far.
I’ve made it a rule that I turn off my phone when I hang out with certain people to make sure they have my attention, even if we don’t have much to talk about.
Sue Beck Esopo ·
The message in this video is why I (Grandma) made a new rule when the kids and grandkids visit.When more than one of us is seated at the table no calling friends on the IPhones nor playing with their IPads. Same rule applies when we go out together.
Louis Arko ·
For me the saddest part of this is the comments. Seems most here simply cannot put the phone down, have lost the ability to communicate without that phone, and don’t even see what they’ve become. People crossing the street with their nose in their phone, unaware that the light turned on them. Another who stood in a busy pathway unaware that he was holding up 3 people behind who could not pass, My own daughter who told me to wait till she finished her video to see the complete circular rainbow around the sun. This all happened to me today. This is not living life amongst others, this is insanity.
John Singh
In the 1980s, people said the same thing about the darn teenagers and their Walkmans. In the 1950s and 1960s it was teenagers and their transistor radios. That people can find so much WRONG in the desire to stay connected to each other is pretty astonishing. People WANT to express their connection to other human beings. That is a great thing, really!
Sean Cloughley ·
I mean I get what it’s saying but honestly, this whole internet stuff has given me real friends.
Martial Romeowaouuu, real friends how? could you explain ? so what you saying is that if we did not have facebook, you will be alone in your house, don’t you see that the problem is not facebook but you.
Kathy Fowler · Works at Home as a freelance proofreader and editor
Wrong, Martial Romeo. Facebook and other social media allow me to have friends who like the same things I like. Otherwise, I’d be sitting with people who don’t like what I like, pretending that we actually have something in common beyond just sitting in the same place at the same time. The only thing I have in common with my neighbors is that we live on the same block. The only thing I’ve had in common with co-workers is that we work for the same company. We don’t like the same books, same movies, same hobbies. The friends I share interests with are the ones I’ve gravitated to online.
Kevin Boynton · Senior Partner/VP Creative at Metropolis Advertising
Ironically if it weren’t for the Internet we would not have seen this video.